sentencepiece copied to clipboard
How to create new model file with restricted vocabulary?
Similar to #474, I want to restrict my vocabulary, and then save a new model file that uses the restricted vocabulary.
I tried to do this by saving a vocabulary, modifying it, and then figuring out how to save the restricted model, but I found that even without any modification, running spm_export_vocab
follow by spm_encode --vocabulary
produces different results.
For example,
echo "Șeful ONU declară că nu există soluții militare în Siria" | spm_encode --model enro_trimmed/sentence.bpe.model
= > ▁Ș e ful ▁ONU ▁de cla ră ▁că ▁nu ▁există ▁solu ții ▁militare ▁în ▁Siria
spm_export_vocab --model enro_trimmed/sentence.bpe.model --output=sp_vocab.txt
echo "Șeful ONU declară că nu există soluții militare în Siria" | spm_encode --model enro_trimmed/sentence.bpe.model --vocabulary sp_vocab.txt
=> ▁ Ș e f u l ▁ O N U ▁ d e c l a r ă ▁ c ă ▁ n u ▁ e x i s t ă ▁ s o l u ț i i ▁ m i l i t a r e ▁ î n ▁ S i r i a
Is this expected behavior?
My end goal is that in python, spm.encode_as_ids
only produces ids < length of the restricted vocab, so if there is a more direct way to achieve that objective I would love to know it!
Trying to workaround, I made an ordered list of pieces that I want to keep like
score: 0.0
type: UNKNOWN,
piece: "<s>"
score: 0.0
type: CONTROL,
piece: "</s>"
score: 0.0
type: CONTROL,
piece: ","
score: -3.4635426998138428,
piece: "."
score: -3.625642776489258,
Then I try to make a new model and with those pieces:
sp_new = sentencepiece_model_pb2.ModelProto()
sp_new.pieces = new_pieces
I get
AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to repeated field "pieces" in protocol message object.
Is this second approach the right way to do this? surely somebody besides me must have tried to restrict a sentencepiece model from using certain pieces before?
I have the same demand with yours to save a new model with restricted vocabulary. But it seems that sentencepiece doesn't provide such APIs in python. SetVocabulary
doesn't change the model. Looking forward to new APIs for saving a new model and changing the real vocabulary of a model.
~Does SetVocabulary
do anything? Do you have an example of how to use it?~
SetVocabulary example:
Not sure if this is still needed.
I manage to create a m.piece by copy.deepcopy(m.pieces[0])
and by using it I can create a new spm.
I used it like this:
def new_piece_by_deepcopy(original_piece,token:str,score:float,piece_type:int):
original_piece:(SentencePiece) the target of deepcopy
piece:(str) token
score:(float) priority of encoding to this token (see spm.vocab).
piece_type:(int) 1:normal, 2:<unk>, 3:control, 4:user defined, 5:unused.
a SentencePiece with given piece, score and piece_type
new_p=copy.deepcopy(original_piece)# not a good way, but it does work.
return new_p
pieces.insert(0, new_piece_by_deepcopy("<s>",0,3,spm.pieces[0]))
pieces.insert(2, new_piece_by_deepcopy("</s>",0,3,spm.pieces[0]))
# this bos,eos are meant for being the same as a fairseq dict.
with open(new_spmPath+".model","wb") as f:
In this case, the final spm will get <s> and </s>, vocabulary is increased by 2. Also it correctly tokenizes my sentences.