render-timing-for-unity icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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GPU time metric for Unity apps (currently limited to Android/GLES)

Results 9 render-timing-for-unity issues
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_This issue was automatically created by [Allstar]( **Security Policy Violation** Project is out of compliance with Binary Artifacts policy: binaries present in source code **Rule Description** Binary Artifacts are an...


- Change - Add arm64-v8a to APP_ABI - Change APP_STL from stlport_static to c++_static - Add arm64-v8a and x86 plugin to Unity Project

I'm no longer involved with this project (Google has the repo ownership), but I noticed KIXEYE made significant cross-platform enhancements (see fork at The fork appears to add support...

First of all great work done. Just from general curiosity, from best of my knowledge, the CPU is dumping commands inside the GPU driver (command buffer) and GPU is taking...

every frame the script call startevent and endevent, that mean every frame we store a time that GPU use in buffer,but we get the time just every second, we may...

I just added few printf() in RenderTimingPlugin.cpp and compile it again using ndk-build which compiled and .so file generated properly. But when I put that into RenderTiming/Plugin/Android/ in RenderTiming unity...

First of all, thanks for this great project. I want to know if we consider GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query, what additional influence it has. What I have seen glBeginQuery and glEndQuery blocking commands....