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PHP client library for the Google Photos Library API

Google Photos Library API PHP Client Library

This repository contains the PHP client library for the Google Photos Library API.

You can find samples for this library in the samples branch. See the samples section below.

Requirements and preparation

This library depends on Composer. If you don't have Composer installed on the command line as composer, follow the Linux/unix/OS X or Windows installation guides.

  • System requirements and dependencies can be found in composer.json of this library. If you are not familiar with Composer, see this page for more details.
  • Your PHP installation must include the bcmath extension.
  • OAuth 2.0 credentials configured for your project as described below.

Download the client library

Firstly, download the library, then set up OAuth 2.0 credentials to access the API. Next, you can follow the samples to see the client library in action.

Here are some ways to download this library:

Method Target Users
Using composer require If you want to use this library as a third-party library for your projects and do not require example files.
Using git clone If you want to alter or contribute to this library (for example, submitting a pull request) or want to run example files.
Downloading a compressed tarball If you only want to run example files.

Using composer require

Follow the below steps to download this library as a third-party library for your projects. The library will be downloaded by Composer and stored under the vendor/ directory. Examples are not downloaded by this download method.

$ composer require google/photos-library

Using git clone

Use this method if you want to alter or contribute to this library (for example, submitting pull requests) or if you wish to try our samples. When you clone the repository, all files in this repository will be downloaded.

  1. Run git clone at the command prompt.
  2. You'll get a php-photoslibrary directory. Navigate to it by running cd php-photoslibrary.
  3. Run composer install at the command prompt. This will install all dependencies needed for using the library.

Downloading a compressed tarball

Use this method only if you want to try out the Google Photos Library API with this client library. The extracted directory of the tarball will contain only the samples from the samples branch.

  1. On the releases page, select a version you want to try. Then, under Download, select the tarball of your choice, for example, php-photoslibrary-samples-vX.Y.Z.tar.gz.
  2. Extract your downloaded file to any location on your computer.
  3. Navigate to the extracted directory (for example, php-photoslibrary-samples-vX.Y.Z).
  4. Run composer install at the command prompt. This will install all dependencies needed for using the library and running examples.

Set up your OAuth2 credentials for PHP

The Google Photos Library API uses OAuth2 as the authentication mechanism. Note that the Library API does not support service accounts.

To complete the “Enable the API” and “Configure OAuth2.0” steps in the below procedure, refer to the get started guide in the developer documentation

This client library works with the Google Auth Library for PHP. Specify the client secret JSON file when initialising the library. Use the authentication credentials returned by the auth library when setting up the PhotosLibraryClient. See the file sample/src/common/common.php for an example on how to do this.

Sample usage

The best way to learn how to use this library is to review the samples. The developer documentation also includes code snippets for this client library in PHP.

Once you have set up the dependencies and OAuth 2 credentials, you can access the API. Here's a short example that shows how to create a new album:

// [START sample_usage]
use Google\Auth\Credentials\UserRefreshCredentials;
use Google\Photos\Library\V1\PhotosLibraryClient;
use Google\Photos\Library\V1\PhotosLibraryResourceFactory;

try {
    // Use the OAuth flow provided by the Google API Client Auth library
    // to authenticate users. See the file /src/common/common.php in the samples for a complete
    // authentication example.
    $authCredentials = new UserRefreshCredentials( /* Add your scope, client secret and refresh token here */ );

    // Set up the Photos Library Client that interacts with the API
    $photosLibraryClient = new PhotosLibraryClient(['credentials' => $authCredentials]);

    // Create a new Album object with at title
    $newAlbum = PhotosLibraryResourceFactory::album("My Album");

    // Make the call to the Library API to create the new album
    $createdAlbum = $photosLibraryClient->createAlbum($newAlbum);

    // The creation call returns the ID of the new album
    $albumId = $createdAlbum->getId();
} catch (\Google\ApiCore\ApiException $exception) {
    // Error during album creation
} catch (\Google\ApiCore\ValidationException $e) {
    // Error during client creation
    echo $exception;
// [END sample_usage]

Retry configuration

The default retry configuration follows the AIP guidance for retrying API requests, which is configured in photos_library_client_config.json.

This client library uses the Google gax-php library to make calls. See its reference documentation for \Google\ApiCore\RetrySettings that describes how to customize the retry configuration for individual invocations, for a group of API calls or for an entire client instance.

Media byte uploads made using PhotosLibraryClient -> upload (..) that have failed are not attempted again unless a retry configuration has been specified. Customize the UploadRetrySettings to configure the retry behaviour. Here's an example that shows how to change the retry behaviour for byte uploads for a client instance:

$uploadRetrySettings = [
    'initialRetryDelayMillis' => 1000, // 1 second
    'retryDelayMultiplier' => 1.3,
    'maxRetryDelayMillis' => 10000, // 10 seconds
    'singleTimeoutMillis' => 900000, // 15 minutes
    'maxNumRetries' => 5,
    'retryableCodes' => [ApiStatus::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, ApiStatus::UNAVAILABLE],
    'retryableExceptions' => []

$photosLibraryClient = new PhotosLibraryClient([
    'credentials' => $myCredentials,
    'uploadRetrySettings' => $uploadRetrySettings


A few samples are included in the samples directory. They show how to access media items, filter media, share albums, and upload files.

Reference Documentation

PHPDoc for this library can be found in the gh-pages branch of this repository. You can browse it online here:

General Google Photos Library API documentation can be found on our Google Developers site:

Coding Style

We use PSR-2 as a coding style standard. Assuming that you're at the root directory of your project, to check for coding style violations, run

./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs_ruleset.xml -np

To automatically fix (fixable) coding style violations, run

./vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=phpcs_ruleset.xml

Getting support

For client library specific bug reports, feature requests, and patches, create an issue on the issue tracker.

See the support page for any other API questions, bug reports, or feature requests.

Announcements and updates

For general Google Photos Library API and client library updates and news, follow:


Copyright 2018 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.