jsonnet copied to clipboard
`std.parseYaml()` - new test case fails...
exists in the cpp version in the master branch since commit da1490f6. It was introduced by the merge of #899 and the main issue about its introduction is (I think) #460. A release hasn't been made with it yet.
chokes on this (I think) valid YAML,:
f1: |
f2: "a\nb"
Running it through std.parseYaml()
gives an error:
Something went wrong during jsonnet_evaluate_snippet, please report this: [json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 2, column 0: syntax error while parsing value - invalid string: control character U+000A (LF) must be escaped to \u000A or \n; last read: '"a<U+000A>'
[1] 91637 abort ./jsonnet parseYaml.jsonnet
Where it should be fine and equal { f1: 'a\nb', f2: 'a\nb' }
This is a patch for the test_suite to test for it. (Easy to add as a PR - let me know if you want a PR for this...)
diff --git a/test_suite/stdlib.jsonnet b/test_suite/stdlib.jsonnet
index 669c1f9..257c9d5 100644
--- a/test_suite/stdlib.jsonnet
+++ b/test_suite/stdlib.jsonnet
@@ -1467,6 +1467,16 @@ std.assertEqual(
), [1, 2, 3]
) &&
+ std.parseYaml(
+ |||
+ f1: |
+ a
+ b
+ f2: "a\nb"
+ |||
+ ), { f1: 'a\nb', f2: 'a\nb' }
+) &&
std.assertEqual(std.asciiUpper('!@#$%&*()asdfghFGHJKL09876 '), '!@#$%&*()ASDFGHFGHJKL09876 ') &&
std.assertEqual(std.asciiLower('!@#$%&*()asdfghFGHJKL09876 '), '!@#$%&*()asdfghfghjkl09876 ') &&
Thanks for reporting.
Yeah, if you could raise a PR that would be very convenient.
FWIW go-jsonnet seems to work fine on this example:
❯ cat junk/test.jsonnet
local yaml = |||
f1: |
f2: "a\nb"
❯ ./jsonnet junk/test.jsonnet
"f1": "a\nb\n",
"f2": "a\nb"
FYI: The test case in the PR is different from the one above, because f1
actually equals a\nb\n
I assume this is a bug in the underlying yaml parsing library?
I.e., rapidyaml does not support text blocks?
I am not sure whether this deserves a separate issue. String values parseable as integers, floats, booleans, null are wrongly converted to those types, e.g.:
/tmp/jsonnet-0.18.0 $ ./jsonnet -e 'std.parseYaml("[\" null\", \"null\", \" 1\", \"1\", \" 1.1\", \"1.1\", \" false\", \"false\"]")'
" null",
" 1",
" 1.1",
" false",
This issue appears to be caused by the old version (v0.1.0, released of Nov 03, 2020) of rapidyaml
. Version of jsonnet which gets installed via Gentoo Linux package manager (which takes a usual stance of unbundling everything possible) built with recent rapidyaml v0.4.1
correctly parses all of those strings as strings.
I'm upgrading Rapid YAML in #1134 - that should fix this case. Then the contributed test case #943 should pass and be mergeable.
The bundled RapidYAML has been upgraded, and your test case is now passing and has been merged. Thanks!