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Support the workflow under Windows.
The current release does not work under Windows.
There are a few known issues:
- bazel and all the required dependencies are cumbersome to setup in Windows.
- some path handling in J2CL does not work well with windows paths.
Detailed documentation on how to setup under Windows would be very helpful and address the first point.
For now we recommend to use WSL under Windows 10.
WSL is not an option for us, we are not permitted to install something like that and also we are on Win7 not 10. We do not have any experience with Basel so it looks like we will have to wait until this issue has been resolved :-( Does anyone have any plans to make this work with Maven or any other tool that works everywhere or it really can work only with Basel ?
Does anyone have any plans to make this work with Maven or any other tool that works everywhere or it really can work only with Basel ?
The GWT Community has started work on Maven and Gradle plugins. They are designed towards GWT 3 though, not "pure J2Cl".
Detailed documentation on how to setup under Windows would be very helpful and address the first point.
As a start, I can describe my WIN 10 Bazel setup based on Using Bazel on Windows.
Would external-link to "md file" be useful?
@vojkog Did you try everything explained in README.md of J2CL ? If yes, was everything successful on Win 10 for you or not ?
@markposterone see #7
Basel is possible to install on Windows as pointed by @vojkog. The GWT community is working hard on Maven but it seams that nobody is looking into "some path handling in J2CL does not work well with windows paths" as they expect that creators of J2CL will take a look at this problem.
We would like the community to take on making J2CL work in Windows natively. None of the core developers uses Windows machines. We do not consider this a blocker since it works under WSL in Windows 10.
W.r.t the path handling I referred to in the previous comment is mostly constrained to the the reading of the source files. It is very localized and should be pretty straightforward to debug and fix.
I found and fixed the first file/path issue, while running j2cl native with Windows 10 ... added the following fix ".replace('\\', '/')" here "com.google.j2cl.generator.OutputGeneratorStage#generateOutputs:82"
String typeRelativePath = getRelativePath(type).replace('\\', '/');
Not sure if this fix is well placed, but is corrects the issue (looking up an windows path in a map with unix paths)...
Btw. after this, I found a next issue (but only warnings, but tons of it):
WARNING - Failed to resolve sourcemap at bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_j2cl/jre/java/jre.js.zip!/java/io/Closeable$$LambdaAdaptor.js.map: bazel-out\x64_windows-fastbuild\bin\external\com_google_j2cl\jre\java\jre.js.zip!\java\io\Closeable$$LambdaAdaptor.js.map
WARNING - Failed to resolve sourcemap at bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_j2cl/jre/java/jre.js.zip!/java/io/Closeable.js.map: bazel-out\x64_windows-fastbuild\bin\external\com_google_j2cl\jre\java\jre.js.zip!\java\io\Closeable.js.map
Does somebody from the core team has may a code-pointer to check it?
I added a PR to j2cl and one to closure-compiler (for the SOURCEMAP_RESOLVE_FAILED "WARNING") to fix both issues I found. For sure if the PR for closure-compiler gets included j2cl needs to consume this (not sure how to reference this).
Could we update the closure-compiler to version to v20190215 to solve "SourceFileTest.testSourceFileResolvesZipEntries failes for Windows #3206" issue?!
What's the status of this ?
I am working on updating Closure rules workspace to work with the newer Closure release; should be completed next week.
Closure compiler version is updated to latest release in https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_closure/pull/347.
As of 2021Jan13, I attempted to setup the j2cl in Windows 10. Following the "Getting Started" guide and installing bazel for Windows 10, the setup was successful. But, I saw an error related to "zipper.exe Argument list too long".
d:\j2cl\samples\helloworld> bazel build src/main/java/com/google/j2cl/samples/helloworld:helloworld INFO: Analyzed target //src/main/java/com/google/j2cl/samples/helloworld:helloworld (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured). INFO: Found 1 target... ERROR: C:/users/myuser/_bazel_myuser/myku6orf/external/com_google_j2cl/jre/java/BUILD:45:16: error executing shell command: 'C:/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe -c set -eu shopt -s extglob zip_args="c bazel-out/x64_windows-fastbuild/bin/external/com_google_j2cl/jre/java/jre_java_files.srcjar" for src in "$@" do relative_name=${...' failed (Exit 126): bash.exe failed: error executing command C:/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe -c ... (remaining 304 argument(s) skipped) : line 11: external/bazel_tools/tools/zip/zipper/zipper.exe: Argument list too long Target //src/main/java/com/google/j2cl/samples/helloworld:helloworld failed to build Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps. INFO: Elapsed time: 0.781s, Critical Path: 0.27s INFO: 3 processes: 3 internal. FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
Error message seems to be related to bazel and may not related to j2cl. Someone please shed light on this.
Does anyone faced this issue ?
Yes, see #121