honggfuzz copied to clipboard
honggfuzz seems to pass files with no hard links
Trying to figure out why some binaries didn't get past a certain point with honggfuzz
but were fuzzed with AFL++
I noticed that honggfuzz
passed /dev/fd/*
pointing to temporary files that had been removed before the binaries were run and it led to those files being rejected by the binaries. stat -L ___FILE___
shows that __FILE__
has no hard links:
$ honggfuzz -v -Q -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -N 1 -- /bin/stat -L ___FILE___
Start time:'2022-06-' bin:'/bin/stat', input:'INPUT', output:'OUTPUT', persistent:false, stdin:false, mutation_rate:5, timeout:1, max_runs:1, threads:1, minimize:false, git_commit:380cf14962c64e3fa902d9442b6c6513869116ed
[2022-06-27T01:58:23+0000][W][51144] input_getDirStatsAndRewind():114 No usable files in the input directory 'INPUT'
Entering phase 1/3: Dry Run
Launched new fuzzing thread, no. #0
[2022-06-27T01:58:23+0000][W][51145] input_getNext():129 No useful files in the input directory
Entering phase 2/3: Switching to the Feedback Driven Mode
Entering phase 3/3: Dynamic Main (Feedback Driven Mode)
File: /dev/fd/1021
Size: 5 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: 1h/1d Inode: 76 Links: 0
Access: (0777/-rwxrwxrwx) Uid: ( 1000/ vagrant) Gid: ( 1000/ vagrant)
Context: unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0
Access: 2022-06-27 01:58:23.017769470 +0000
Modify: 2022-06-27 01:58:23.017769470 +0000
Change: 2022-06-27 01:58:23.017769470 +0000
Birth: 2022-06-27 01:58:23.017769470 +0000
Terminating thread no. #0, left: 0
Summary iterations:2 time:1 speed:2 crashes_count:0 timeout_count:0 new_units_added:0 slowest_unit_ms:8 guard_nb:0 branch_coverage_percent:0 peak_rss_mb:6
I wonder if it would be possible to remove those temporary files after binaries stop/crash?
Also, I found some binaries parsing /dev/fd/* files resulting in faults and I would like to modify the source code on the temporary file location. If you have some ideas, offer me plz.
Those files are essentially memfd objects, so they never exist on the FS.
We could maybe try to use linkat2(AT_EMPTY_PATH) to link those files to some tmpfs.
But, do you know the reason an application wants to read number of links to a file before process? Any specific examples?
Those files are essentially memfd objects, so they never exist on the FS.
Looking at https://github.com/google/honggfuzz/blob/847492cbd04f770800602af5df0da377e58792d2/libhfcommon/files.c#L97-L107 I thought honggfuzz
removed real files before pointing fuzz targets to them. It could be that I looked at the wrong part of the code though.
Any specific examples?
refuses to open files like that: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/0e6858232387050b2bff15365043914e4c764d7c/src/libsystemd/sd-journal/journal-file.c#L511-L513.
It's a shared mem created here - https://github.com/google/honggfuzz/blob/847492cbd04f770800602af5df0da377e58792d2/fuzz.c#L496
But the effect is the same, it doesn't have presence on the FS.
Well, if you change the 4th param of this call to true, you'll probably get what you want. If you'd like to surround it with some flag, I'll be happy to review w PR.