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support for namespaced Path Elements

Open hellt opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

Hi all, in ParseElem the code doesn't allow for a pathElem to have a : char inside of it.

I wonder if this should be allowed to make the path to look life follows: /root/ns:leaf. Some vendors use namespaced paths in their gNMI implementations, and I am not sure if this violates the gNMI spec or not.

@robshakir do you have an opinion if the gNMI paths like /root/ns:leaf are valid and should be supported?

hellt avatar Oct 25 '20 12:10 hellt

Hi, bumping any opinions on this?

hellt avatar Nov 18 '20 19:11 hellt

Hi @hellt, I am not sure about this myself. I dont see any mention of it in the gNMI documentation:

Perhaps opening an issue in asking for clarification is a better approach?

samribeiro avatar Nov 19 '20 09:11 samribeiro

Thanks for commenting, @samribeiro

I am not sure if that has to be clarified with OC group. The : is not restricted by the very same path conventions document.

Also in the reference gnmi_cli client the team uses another parsing approach -

I will check that method.

Feel free to close this issue if you decide not to account for : in paths

hellt avatar Nov 19 '20 09:11 hellt