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Spelling dictionaries (was Grammar checking)
'URIs' is half highlighted.. and cucumber isn't a real word? :( RIP. And then there are other words too.
Also, what do you think making the incorrect words a darker red with a white background or something. I find that the bright red background sometimes hurts my eyes and I also sometimes lose track of the cursor when it hovers over an incorrect word because the cursor goes from blinking black and white to white and red.
Background I'd made a separate spelling dictionary so the license would be the same and it would be included with the editor. So I didn't yet notice that cucumber was not in the dictionary :) If ya look through the git log, you'll see occasional patches with "dictionary words" where I'm adding dictionary words. I added more just this morning. Please consider adding cucumber and others to the app/dictionary.en-us.words file. (or I will, but I thought if we both started doing it we'd have more words quicker)
The URIs highlighting is a separate bug. I should fix that. Consider making a separate New Issue.
The highlight is also something for a separate New Issue. We can change the color or add a new style option. Would you like to consider making a style that we include as an option (like all the colors could change to your liking).
How did you start writing the file for the dictionaries? You add each word manually right LOL Could we not just find a text file containing all dictionary words and add them the file?
Created issue for half highlighted word in #90
I remember trying to figure out the entire color scheme a while ago, but couldn't figure it out completely. I think the most confusing thing was the list of palette values in and this line in
for i in range(1, curses.COLORS):
curses.init_pair(i, foreground[i % cycle], background[i / cycle])
made me confused since I couldn't see a particular pattern or reason for this implementation. Maybe I'll give this another tackle in a bit (midterms coming up :( ), since I also need to fix #42
Could we not just find a text file containing all dictionary words and add them the file?
We must not use someone else's copyrighted material.
I also need to fix #42
I'll start on some 8 color support to help on that.
...confused since I couldn't see a particular pattern or reason for this implementation.
Good feedback, thanks! I'll work on making that clearer.
How does the file look with the latest ci_edit? I've added more dictionary words.
It looks better. 'runtimes' isn't recognized as a word ("runtime" is). I opened up a text file of Pride and Prejudice and found a lot of words that show up as red. What if we made a program that could parse through books and auto update our list with the new words? :D code that writes code. Then we could just parse through like 1000 books and push to master??!
Here's some progress: I added support for huge dictionaries with OsDictionary
in ci_edit/app/
On startup it will now try to open /usr/share/dict/words
as a fallback dictionary. Though there are still words in PAndP that are not covered, Jane has a larger vocabulary than a multi-megabyte list of words covers (and there's the British spellings in there too).