bundletool copied to clipboard
support build-apks with mode=universal that baseline.prof packaging to apks
fix like https://github.com/google/bundletool/issues/295
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Hi. This is working using the bundletool-all-1.11.1.jar
but NOT working if we use the JAR downloaded from Google Repo.
object Main {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val myArgs = listOf("build-apks",
// This is NOT generating the /assets/dexopt/baseline.prof file on base-master.apk
// But if I run bundletool-all-1.11.1.jar by command line, it is working fine:
//java -jar ./bundletool-all-1.11.1.jar build-apks --bundle=/PATH/TO/app-release.aab --output=/PATH/TO/output --output-format="DIRECTORY" --mode="default" --aapt2=/PATH/TO/android-sdk/build-tools/33.0.0/aapt2