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Multidimensional Example
It would be nice to expand the README to show how to use autobound with vector-valued inputs and interpret the output. From looking into the code, I thought that
import autobound.jax as ab
import jax.numpy as jnp
f = lambda x: 1.5*jnp.exp(3.0*x[1]*x[0]) - 25.0*x[0]**2
trust_region = (jnp.array([0,0]),jnp.array([1,1]))
x0 = jnp.array([.5,.5])
bounds = ab.taylor_bounds(f,max_degree=2)(x0,trust_region)
should work, but that runs into issues with dynamic_slice
not being implemented.
The following worked:
A= jnp.array([0,1])
B= jnp.array([1,0])
f = lambda x: 1.5*jnp.exp(3.0*,x)*,x)) - 25*,x)**2
Perhaps there is an intended, easier way I am missing?