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A collection of extension libraries for Jetpack Compose

Results 143 accompanist issues
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**Description** Suggested behavior seems to be unintuitive to users. **Steps to reproduce** Deny permission with "dont ask again" checked or deny permission once on newer Androids. Click "grant" and nothing...


This PR just updates the dialog system ui controller sample to show off IME insets working (inside the fullscreen dialog)

**Description** Will it support container transform in the future?

## Bug I am developing an app that has nested navigation with Navigation Animation lib and HorizontalPager in the home screen. after first navigation from splash screen to the home...

Fixes #1260 Fixes #1235 Wrapped the `WebView` in a `NestedScrollView` which seems to be the recommended method to deal with this in views. Added a collapsing toolbar and swipe refresh...

## Describe the bug The Accompanist Webview "content" does scroll with the `TopAppBar` but the `TopAppBar` does not collapse on scroll. `TopAppBar` does collapse with other views, for example -...

**Description** navigation command ignores NavOptions **Expected behavior** If I execute a command like this ``` val navOptions = NavOptions.Builder().apply { setEnterAnim(0) setPopEnterAnim(0) setExitAnim(0) setPopExitAnim(0) }.build() controller.navigate(route = "oneroute", navOptions =...

I have a request to build a bottom sheet with series of navigation. Originally I tried to create a nested NavGraph but that did not allow all the navigations to...


HorizontalPager cannot save the AndroidView state. When switching pages, the AndroidView factory will be triggered, resulting in view recreate. If WebView is used in HorizontalPager, the webpage will be reloaded...