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[Navigation Animation] Control composable route zIndex

Open PhilipDukhov opened this issue 2 years ago • 19 comments

I'm trying to implement modal transition: new screen slides in from bottom and slides out back.

Expected behaviour:

Slide in animation works fine, but slide out animation doesn't - because appearing view seems to have higher zIndex, no matter wether it is pushing or popping.

Actual behaviour:

I've tried specifying it with a modifier, it didn't worked out. In my case I need zIndex to be equal to backstack index, in other words during pop disappearing view should have higher zIndex, than the appearing one.

object Destinations {
    const val Login = "login"
    const val Home = "home"

fun NavTestScreen(
) {
    val navController = rememberAnimatedNavController()
    AnimatedNavHost(navController = navController,
        startDestination = Destinations.Login,
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
            enterTransition = { NavigationTransition.IdentityEnter },
            exitTransition = { NavigationTransition.IdentityExit },
        ) {
            Button(onClick = {
            }) {
                Text(text = "Next")
            route = Destinations.Home,
            enterTransition = { NavigationTransition.slideInBottomAnimation },
            exitTransition = { NavigationTransition.slideOutBottomAnimation },
        ) {
                onClick = {
                colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(backgroundColor = Color.Yellow),
                modifier = Modifier.zIndex(100f)
            ) {
                Text(text = "label")

object NavigationTransition {
    private val animation: FiniteAnimationSpec<IntOffset> = tween(
        easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing,
        durationMillis = 2000,

    val IdentityEnter = slideInVertically(
        initialOffsetY = {
            -1 //fix for
        animationSpec = animation

    val IdentityExit = slideOutVertically(
        targetOffsetY = {
            -1 //fix for
        animationSpec = animation

    var slideInBottomAnimation =
        slideInVertically(initialOffsetY = { fullHeight -> fullHeight }, animationSpec = animation)

    var slideOutBottomAnimation =
        slideOutVertically(targetOffsetY = { fullHeight -> fullHeight }, animationSpec = animation)

PhilipDukhov avatar May 11 '22 16:05 PhilipDukhov

I tried implementing this myself: I was able to calculate the right zIndex using navController.backQueue in AnimatedNavHost for the current entry, but if I am not mistaken, this should be applied to the internal AnimatedVisibility for each currentlyVisible item used inside Transition<S>.AnimatedContent - it works as I expect with this "fork", but the fork of androidx.compose.animation is something I would rather not do.

Am I missing something? I case I'm not - I've created a feature request on google issue tracker.

PhilipDukhov avatar May 15 '22 15:05 PhilipDukhov

Want to add in @doris4lt to give her more context on the goal here.

jbw0033 avatar Jun 13 '22 22:06 jbw0033

I think the functionality that you are asking for can be achieved with targetContentZIndex using AnimatedContent. Here's an example:;l=242

Could you give it a try so we know whether we need to add more support for zIndex in AnimatedContent, or surface that support in navigation APIs?

doris4lt avatar Jun 13 '22 22:06 doris4lt

Thanks, @doris4lt, targetContentZIndex is exactly what I was looking for!

Not sure what is the ideal API to solve this issue - in my project I just check the index in backQueue, not sure if this is what everyone else expects from this library, or if it should be more customizable.

PhilipDukhov avatar Jun 14 '22 03:06 PhilipDukhov

@PhilipDukhov How would you like to customize the target zIndex? We could potentially support the target zIndex through Modifier.zIndex as an alternative. Or maybe you have other suggestions?

doris4lt avatar Jun 14 '22 18:06 doris4lt

@doris4lt I'm using the following code in AnimatedNavHost right now:

targetContentZIndex = navController.backQueue
    .takeIf { it >= 0 }
    ?: Float.MAX_VALUE

I guess that the most flexible solution is to allow customizations of ContentTransform.

I actually resolve all my animations in AnimatedNavHost, because I find it quite difficult to do it in composable: I have different animations depending on the screen, and the animation actually depends not on each composable route, but on targetState/initialState depending on push/pop.

PhilipDukhov avatar Jun 15 '22 02:06 PhilipDukhov

Have you considered

targetContentZIndex = navController.backQueue
    .takeIf { it >= 0 }
    ?: navController.backQueue.size

Could you give me a fanfic example of how you would like to customize ContentTransform, assuming it was supported?

doris4lt avatar Jun 17 '22 04:06 doris4lt

@doris4lt For my needs targetContentZIndex seems sufficient, I can't think of any use cases for ContentTransform.

But I ran into another problem with targetContentZIndex.

Let's say I have several views in the stack. And I want to replace the stack with a new single view using slide animation. I use popUpTo as follows:

navController.navigate(route = "newRoute") {

The problem is that targetContentZIndex is only called for the new destination, and after removing the old routes from the stack navController.backQueue has only one element, so my new view has zIndex = 1 and the disappearing view has zIndex 2, which was calculated when it appeared.

Is there any way to recalculate targetContentZIndex for the disappearing view, or maybe you can think of a better way instead of checking navController.backQueue?

PhilipDukhov avatar Jun 19 '22 17:06 PhilipDukhov

Hi, I get the same problem with zindex using slideInHorizontally, but I dont get how to set the variable targetContentZIndex , it just shows "Unresolved reference: targetContentZIndex"

@PhilipDukhov Can you kindly give a hint how you do it ? Thanks

x4080 avatar Jun 25 '22 21:06 x4080

@x4080 have you checked official sample on;l=242?

Until this issue is resolved, you have to create a fork or copy source code to your project to make this change in AnimatedNavHost.kt.

PhilipDukhov avatar Jun 26 '22 04:06 PhilipDukhov

Hi @doris4lt, can you confirm that the problem from my last comment is clear, or should I provide a minimal reproducible example with a video and more details?

PhilipDukhov avatar Jun 26 '22 04:06 PhilipDukhov

@PhilipDukhov thanks, I did what you describe above and works, I think I modified inside push and pop to inc or dec z-index

I wondered why its not default :)

x4080 avatar Jun 28 '22 01:06 x4080

@PhilipDukhov Thanks for the example. Sorry I didn't see the question until just now.

Is there any way to recalculate targetContentZIndex for the disappearing view

The intention is not to allow the zIndex to change for the content that is already on screen, to avoid a sudden jump. This could happen especially when you interrupt an animation, e.g. when going from destination A -> B, user changes their mind to go to C. Now you have both A and B exiting, while C entering. If we allow B's zIndex to be changed at the point of interruption, it could potentially jump above or below A.

With that said, we are looking for better ways to support zIndex customization without introducing a foot gun. We just haven't found it yet.

If I understand your use case correctly, its spacial model isn't completely dictated by the back queue. More specifically, in the example of popupTo(0) that you shared, you'd like the new content (for the bottom of the stack) to slide in with a higher zIndex.

Could you elaborate on the ideal z-order that you'd like to see for the content in the stack? Seems like there are special cases on top of a more general rule, which is perfectly valid. But I'd like to have a better understanding of the overall requirements.

doris4lt avatar Jul 02 '22 19:07 doris4lt

@doris4lt I found a way to calculate it for my particular case using an auxiliary array, so being able to change targetContentZIndex seems completely sufficient to close this problem.

PhilipDukhov avatar Jul 07 '22 11:07 PhilipDukhov

@PhilipDukhov If you don't mind, could you share a snippet of that solution? I'd love to understand how you did it.

doris4lt avatar Jul 08 '22 04:07 doris4lt

@doris4lt Sure, it looks like this:

val allEntryIds = rememberSaveable { mutableListOf<String>() }


val transition = updateTransition(backStackEntry, label = "entry")

	transitionSpec = {
		(finalEnter(this) with finalExit(this))
			.apply {
				targetContentZIndex = allEntryIds.indexOf(

PhilipDukhov avatar Jul 08 '22 04:07 PhilipDukhov

What we do need here is the ability to manipulate witch state will be "on top". Something like:

exitTransition = {
    toBeOnTop(this.targetState) // or toBeOnTop(this.initialState)
    // just an example of animation
        towards = AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Left,
        animationSpec = tween(navAnimationDuration)

or make NavController api work with compose

navController.navigate("route") {
    anim {
        //todo: define animations here

or make ZIndex of a destination equal to destination index in NavController.backQueue

serhii-pokrovskyi avatar Jul 11 '22 08:07 serhii-pokrovskyi

This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.

github-actions[bot] avatar Aug 22 '22 03:08 github-actions[bot]

It's still relevant

PhilipDukhov avatar Aug 22 '22 03:08 PhilipDukhov

This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.

github-actions[bot] avatar Sep 22 '22 04:09 github-actions[bot]

It's still relevant

PhilipDukhov avatar Sep 22 '22 07:09 PhilipDukhov

We can at the very least update the z-order to match the ordering of our visible entries which reflects what we would expect from an animation stand point.

jbw0033 avatar Oct 18 '22 20:10 jbw0033

Any update on this?

Currently a forked version of AnimatedNavHost with the following fix works fine:

targetContentZIndex = navController.backQueue
    .takeIf { it >= 0 }
    ?: navController.backQueue.size

But this should be a treated as a temporary fix until an official solution is pushed where the z-order matches the ordering of visible entries.

I am thinking @PhilipDukhov 's issue is similar to #1172 that we're currently facing.

cataling-sliide avatar Oct 27 '22 12:10 cataling-sliide