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A library for easy and efficient manipulation of tensor networks.
Is it possible to use quantum hardware systems, such as IBM quantum and Rigetti, as backends for TensorNetwork?
In source file matrixproductstates/base_mps.py function `apply_two_site_gate` line 583-592: ``` if center_position == site2: R, Q = self.backend.rq(tensor, pivot_axis=2) left_tensor = R right_tensor = Q set_center_position(site2) else: Q, R = self.backend.qr(tensor,...
SVD and ``split_node`` are ok on tensorflow backend with tensorflow jit: ```python import tensorflow as tf tn.set_default_backend("tensorflow") @tf.function def f(b): a = tn.Node(b) n1, n2, _ = tn.split_node(a, left_edges=a[:2], right_edges=a[2:],...
I'm currently implementing a TensorNetwork backend for QuTiP [1, 2]. I'd like to use the QuOperator included in TensorNetwork [3], but I see it is not included in the main...
the code location: tensornetwork/matrixproductstates/infinite_mps.py line 287 to 298 ``` U, singvals, V, _ = self.backend.svd( tmp, pivot_axis=1, max_singular_values=D, max_truncation_error=truncation_threshold, relative=True) lam = self.backend.diagflat(singvals) self.tensors[0] = ncon([lam, V, inv_sqrtr, self.tensors[0]], [[-1,...
The `tf.matmul` bug documented at https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/52148 causes `tensordot2` to fail under certain circumstances. Once tensorflow fixes the bug on their side we should revert to using `tensordot2` in the `TensorflowBackend`.
Help troubleshooting
Hey dev team. I have been working on a PEPS algorithms for simulating 2D fermionic systems with the symmetric backend and it turned out the symmetric backend is very slow...
Hi, The test `test_gmres_on_larger_random_problem` in `tensornetwork/backends/numpy/numpy_backend_test.py` [link](https://github.com/google/TensorNetwork/blob/d87ee43b0b9fe589e15d53795f102aa8e7370eb5/tensornetwork/backends/numpy/numpy_backend_test.py#L481) always fails (500 fails out of 500 runs) for `[float16]` parameter. The interesting part here is that the `err` and `max(rtol, atol)` are...