causal-agents copied to clipboard
Cannot load the perturbed dataset
I am using the Waymo Open Dataset Motion Tutorial to visualize the perturbed validation dataset, but when creating the dataset I got the error below, which I suspect that the roadgraph_samples/* features are missing, is this expected?
InvalidArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-27-64935651141a>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <cell line: 3>()
1 dataset =, compression_type='')
2 data = next(dataset.as_numpy_iterator())
----> 3 parsed =, features_description)
1 frames
[/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/eager/](https://localhost:8080/#) in quick_execute(op_name, num_outputs, inputs, attrs, ctx, name)
50 try:
51 ctx.ensure_initialized()
---> 52 tensors = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_Execute(ctx._handle, device_name, op_name,
53 inputs, attrs, num_outputs)
54 except core._NotOkStatusException as e:
InvalidArgumentError: {{function_node __wrapped__ParseExampleV2_Tdense_55_num_sparse_0_ragged_split_types_0_ragged_value_types_0_sparse_types_0_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Key: roadgraph_samples/xyz. Can't parse serialized Example. [Op:ParseExampleV2]
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
- Just to make sure the file is not corrupted I downloaded one single file directly from v1.1/validation/RemoveNoncausal/RemoveNoncausalAgents.tfrecord-00000-of-01127 and uploaded to this tutorial to run.
- I tried with the dataset from WODM: validation_tfexample.tfrecord-00000-of-00150 and it worked.