edgetpu copied to clipboard
M.2 TPU not showing in Device Manager
The drivers will install correctly with no issue, however, the AI accelerator does not show in Device Manager anywhere.
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Issue Type
Build/Install, Support
Operating System
Windows 10
Coral Device
M.2 Accelerator with dual Edge TPU
Other Devices
No response
Programming Language
No response
Relevant Log Output
Warning: During normal operation, the Edge TPU Accelerator may heat up,
depending on the computation workloads and operating frequency. Touching the
metal part of the device after it has been operating for an extended period of
time may lead to discomfort and/or skin burns. As such, when running at the
default operating frequency, the device is intended to safely operate at an
ambient temperature of 35C or less. Or when running at the maximum operating
frequency, it should be operated at an ambient temperature of 25C or less.
Google does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage if the device
is operated outside of the recommended ambient temperature range.
Would you like to enable the maximum operating frequency for the USB Accelerator? Y/N Y
Installing UsbDk
Installing Windows drivers
Microsoft PnP Utility
Adding driver package: coral.inf
Driver package added successfully. (Already exists in the system)
Published Name: oem30.inf
Adding driver package: Coral_USB_Accelerator.inf
Driver package added successfully. (Already exists in the system)
Published Name: oem69.inf
Adding driver package: Coral_USB_Accelerator_(DFU).inf
Driver package added successfully. (Already exists in the system)
Published Name: oem70.inf
Total driver packages: 3
Added driver packages: 3
Installing performance counters
Info: Provider {aaa5bf9e-c44b-4177-af65-d3a06ba45fe7} defined in C:\Users\SDRPC\Downloads\edgetpu_runtime_20221024\edgetpu_runtime\third_party\coral_accelerator_windows\coral.man is already installed in system repository.
Info: Successfully installed performance counters in C:\Users\SDRPC\Downloads\edgetpu_runtime_20221024\edgetpu_runtime\third_party\coral_accelerator_windows\coral.manCopying edgetpu and libusb to System32
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
Install complete
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