how about extending java base classes like Color, to those objects to be directly usable.
There are no double sided triangles right now, forced normal determination removed double sided triangle drawing, either by point winding order or giving a normal. Loading transparent materials and colors...
SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED results sometimes in sawtooth cube edges even if it works most of the time for all triangles. edit: does not depend on the SceneAntialiasing setting, triangles drawn far away...
when the application thread locks the program say during an even, it will lock up windows explorer copy paste file transfer to white. yep a program should not by its...
when putting jar libraries and binary files for linux in the root of the distribution jar file, it sometimes works and sometimes does not work, can launch, glass gtk load...
why does an effect need to be set to null on a canvas, like coloradjust then to null, to prevent the effect from affecting all image types. I'm using canvas...
there might be a threading/swing issue with other java stuff. there is 0.5sec stutter every 1-2sec even when dragging the main window when a non-javafx mainly math thread is running...
frame pacing output is not smooth, even if scene minimal fast modifications are made with separate (daemon) timer at higher than 60Hz frequency.
hue component of Color.hue is broken, no effect even if the input value changes from 0.0f to 1.0f, color is saturation brightness version of red always. in degrees? color ranges...
Java process is left running (locking files) when all windows are closed even if Platform.setImplicitExit(true) holds. You should not have to call System.exit(0); explicitly to get the Java spawned threads...