New work on `trzmq` also going on: Simpler then expected. Gonna wait to see what core `trio` devs say about it.
> Not sure the goal for this issue, but basically what is written there is what I would do. You can review in that repo if you want. @salotz mostly...
Oh I was also going to mention that using [setuptools_scm]( is probably a cool idea. We use it a bunch in the [`pytest` community projects]( and I've found it quite...
Follow up discussion from #104. - - we could try [versioneer]( for incremental automatic tagging from `git` - @richardsheridan's [PR showing the modern dev's installation system setup]( closely mirroring...
@richardsheridan yeah see calver has always appealed to me ever since seeing in salt-stack way back: I personally prefer the time linking since it just gives the reader so...
@ryanhiebert hehe indeed, except *bugging me off* is impossible bruv :smile_cat: >it doesn't really make sense for Tractor to be thought of as a replacement for Celery or other task...
Some interesting discussion on SC versus "actor models" in here:
@ryanhiebert checkout #18 as well if you're looking for a lot more in depth discussion on this; there's quite a good video from the original author of the actor model...
More hints from `celery` on [exception pickling](
Thanks to @njsmith for [pointing out]( the traceback serializers [in `jinga2`]( and also @dhirschfeld for pointing out [`tblib`]( which seems to be derived from it.