Ideally I'd like to run this on https if I can, but figured getting it working at all would as a first step.
Maybe if we take a step back and confirm I'm setting it up correctly in Nextcloud. Here's what I have. I haven't actually entered anything in the Advanced "Server address...
Thanks. That's not ideal for what I'm trying to do though. I'm using the MMM-Pages module so that each kid's calendar/HW/info is on a separate page from the other's (it...
This is the python test program ``` import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(25, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) while True: input_state25 = GPIO.input(25) input_state24 = GPIO.input(24) if input_state25...
I don't even have to press a button, just load that and then quit and the buttons start working.
Thanks. I'm not getting that error (or if I am I'm not sure where to see it). I verified the gs-nopasswd file does have the correct user in it though...
I also tried gravity-sync pull and while the local backup works, the remote backup still fails. I'm not sure if the errors are logged somewhere and where to find them.
Thanks! I ran ``` gravity-sync config gravity-sync compare gravity-sync push ``` and it worked! I'm guessing the config command fixed something that wasn't set correctly during install. This time I...