Walt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Walt copied to clipboard

🎬 A Swift 3 library for creating gifs and videos from a series of images



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Aptly named after one of the greatest animators of all time, Walt can turn a series of images into a gif or a video!

Walt is part of a larger effort to open source Giffy.


Walt is available through CocoaPods. To use it, simply add pod 'Walt' to your Podfile. Make sure that use_frameworks! is also in your Podfile.

It should look something like this:


target '<MY_TARGET_NAME>' do
  pod 'Walt'

  target '<MY_TEST_TARGET_NAME>' do
    inherit! :search_paths



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Gonzalo Nuñez, [email protected]

Twitter: @gonzalo__nunez


Walt is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


As of right now, this is simply a direct Swift 3 port of existing code that I had – the original code is like 2+ years old. There will need to be a few more things before I can call this v1.0:

  1. Unit Tests with extensive code coverage
  2. Markup comments and documentation

Also, more than anything this library gives me the ability to isolate and modularize a lot of the functionality inside of some of my existing apps. With that being said, many of the features added to this will be influenced by goals I have with apps that use this. If for some reason this actually gets starred and used, other developers will be influencing that as well :)