Gonzalo Martin
Gonzalo Martin
Same error here using Flutter. I think you need Crashlytics plugin for each platform according to https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/9355#issuecomment-305999448
Hey John! Happy to hear that! Are there any ways to integrate Firestore to the current project as "another repository"? If not, we can create a new project without problem....
Sorry, for the late response. That looks very good! I assume you fought with that and now have some stable version. If you want, you can implement a simple login...
That sounds great! Please, create a new branch from master a push a pull request. I will review it asap!!
"RangeError: Invalid value: Not in range 0..1114111, inclusive: -1" When connecting to postgresql 12
> First off, I'm using a Dart project not a Flutter project so there are some differences in its treatment. > > My `pubspec.yaml` in that time: > > ```...
It can be related with Huawei devices. You may dial to `*#*#2846579#*#*` and you will see a hidden menu. Go to the Project Menu > Background Setting > Log setting...
I didn't see at bottom in that post a nice way to **hide** that `automaticallyImplyLeading: false` Doing this, back button is hidding _but_ if I tap on device back button,...
Looks like Google didn't update this sample over 2 years: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-fit/tree/master/BasicSensorsApi
We're working on new updates for several samples. We'll update it soon. In the meantime, you can check this sample in this branch https://github.com/xamarin/monodroid-samples/tree/support-26.1.0/ApplicationFundamentals/ServiceSamples Thanks
yeah, it is ok. I'll review it shortly