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Useful python NLP tools (evaluation, GUI interface, tokenization)

What does it do?

provides easy Python ways for

  • evaluation: calculate automated NLP metrics (BLEU, NIST, METEOR, entropy, etc...)
from metrics import nlp_metrics
nist, bleu, meteor, entropy, diversity, avg_len = nlp_metrics(
	  path_refs=["demo/ref0.txt", "demo/ref1.txt"], 
# nist = [1.8338, 2.0838, 2.1949, 2.1949]
# bleu = [0.4667, 0.441, 0.4017, 0.3224]
# meteor = 0.2832
# entropy = [2.5232, 2.4849, 2.1972, 1.7918]
# diversity = [0.8667, 1.000]
# avg_len = 5.0000
  • tokenizatioin: clean string and deal with punctation, contraction, url, mention, tag, etc
from data_prepare import clean_str
s = " I don't know:). how about this?"

# i do n't know :) . how about this ? __url__
  • dialog GUI: provide a graphic user interface (GUI). You just need to provide a respond() function.
from dialog_gui import *

def my_respond_func(inp):
        # TODO
        # input: type=str, value=conversation history. turns delimited by 'EOS'
        # return: a list of (score, hyp) tuple based on input
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
respond_funcs = [my_respond_func]
gui = DialogGUI(respond_funcs, ['my_system_name'])


  • Tested with Python 2.7 and 3.6
  • For GUI, you need PyQt5
  • For evaluation part, please download the following 3rd-party packages and save in a new folder 3rdparty
    • ( to compute NIST. You may need to install the following perl modules (e.g. by cpan install): XML:Twig, Sort:Naturally and String:Util
    • meteor-1.5 to compute METEOR. It requires JAVA