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Golioth SDK For Zephyr
This repository has been deprecated. Please use the Golioth Firmware SDK
There will be no further support or updates to this repository after July 31,
API documentation: https://zephyr-sdk-docs.golioth.io/
Getting Started
Using with Zephyr RTOS
Most platforms are already supported with mainline Zephyr RTOS
. This
repository can be added to any Zephyr based project as new west
However, for making things simple, this repository can also serve as west
manifest repo.
Using Golioth SDK as manifest repository
Execute this command to download this repository together with all dependencies:
.. code-block:: console
west init -m https://github.com/golioth/golioth-zephyr-sdk.git --mf west-zephyr.yml west update
Adding Golioth SDK to existing west project
Alternatively add following entry to west.yml
file in manifest/projects
subtree of existing west
_ based project (e.g. Zephyr RTOS):
.. code-block:: yaml
# Golioth repository.
- name: golioth
path: modules/lib/golioth
revision: main
url: https://github.com/golioth/golioth-zephyr-sdk.git
import: west-external.yml
and clone all repositories including that one by running:
.. code-block:: console
west update
Follow Zephyr Getting Started
_ for details on how to setup Zephyr based
Using with nRF Connect SDK
Platforms like nRF9160 DK
_ require nRF Connect SDK
_ to make use of
their distinct features, which is cellular network connectivity.
Using Golioth SDK as manifest repository
Execute this command to download this repository together with all dependencies:
.. code-block:: console
west init -m https://github.com/golioth/golioth-zephyr-sdk.git --mf west-ncs.yml west update
Follow nRF Connect SDK Getting Started
_ for details on how to setup nRF
Connect SDK based projects.
Sample applications
Golioth DFU sample
_ -
Golioth Hello sample
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Golioth LightDB get sample
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Golioth LightDB observe sample
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Golioth LightDB set sample
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Golioth LightDB LED sample
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Golioth LightDB Stream sample
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Golioth Logging sample
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Golioth Settings sample
Golioth Services
Golioth Cloud
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LightDB state
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LightDB Stream
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_ -
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Device matrix
This matrix gets updated on every release.
During release testing, all boards and services are verified using sample applications.
+------------------+--------------+-------------+----------+ |Device |Service |Last tested |Last | | | |SDK version |tested | | | | |Golioth | | | | |version | +==================+==============+=============+==========+ |nRF91 Development |Authentication|v0.8.0 |v0.30.7 | |Kit +--------------+-------------+ | | |Logs |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |DFU |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB Stream|v0.8.0 | | +------------------+--------------+-------------+----------+ |ESP32-WROOM-32D |Authentication|v0.8.0 |v0.30.7 | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |Logs |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |DFU |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB Stream|v0.8.0 | | +------------------+--------------+-------------+----------+ |nRF52840 DK + |Authentication|v0.8.0 |v0.30.7 | |ESP32-WROOM-32D +--------------+-------------+ | | |Logs |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |DFU |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB Stream|v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |Settings |v0.8.0 | | +------------------+--------------+-------------+----------+ |MIMXRT1060-EVKB |Authentication|v0.8.0 |v0.30.7 | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |Logs |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |DFU |N/A | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB Stream|v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |Settings |v0.8.0 | | +------------------+--------------+-------------+----------+ |QEMU x86 |Authentication|v0.8.0 |v0.30.7 | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |Logs |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |DFU |Not supported| | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB |v0.8.0 | | | +--------------+-------------+ | | |LightDB Stream|v0.8.0 | | +------------------+--------------+-------------+----------+
.. _Golioth Firmware SDK: https://github.com/golioth/golioth-firmware-sdk .. _Zephyr RTOS: https://www.zephyrproject.org/ .. _west: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.5.0/develop/west/index.html .. _Zephyr Getting Started: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.5.0/develop/getting_started/index.html .. _nRF Connect SDK: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Software/nRF-Connect-SDK .. _nRF Connect SDK Getting Started: https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/nrf/gs_installing.html .. _nRF9160 DK: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-hardware/nrf9160-dk .. _Golioth DFU sample: samples/dfu/README.rst .. _Golioth Hello sample: samples/hello/README.rst .. _Golioth LightDB get sample: samples/lightdb/get/README.rst .. _Golioth LightDB observe sample: samples/lightdb/observe/README.rst .. _Golioth LightDB set sample: samples/lightdb/set/README.rst .. _Golioth LightDB LED sample: samples/lightdb_led/README.rst .. _Golioth LightDB Stream sample: samples/lightdb_stream/README.rst .. _Golioth Logging sample: samples/logging/README.rst .. _Golioth Settings sample: samples/settings/README.rst
.. _Golioth Cloud: https://docs.golioth.io/cloud .. _LightDB state: https://docs.golioth.io/reference/protocols/coap/lightdb .. _LightDB Stream: https://docs.golioth.io/reference/protocols/coap/lightdb-stream .. _Logging: https://docs.golioth.io/reference/protocols/coap/logging .. _OTA: https://docs.golioth.io/reference/protocols/coap/ota .. _Authentication: https://docs.golioth.io/firmware/zephyr-device-sdk/authentication