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Command-line environment a-la WinDbg for executing SOS commands without having SOS available.

Results 15 msos issues
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Bumps [Newtonsoft.Json]( from 9.0.1 to 13.0.1. Release notes Sourced from Newtonsoft.Json's releases. 13.0.1 New feature - Add JsonSelectSettings with configuration for a regex timeout Change - Remove portable assemblies from...


Bumps [SharpZipLib]( from 0.86.0 to 1.3.3. Release notes Sourced from SharpZipLib's releases. v1.3.3 Another minor release, containing security fixes and smaller bugfixes. Fixes: 🐛 specialized tar extract traversal by nils...


See comment in -- can use `ILTemplate.ResolveAssembly` (even though it's internal) to resolve assembly references from memory in the secondary `AppDomain` instead of having to spill assemblies to disk...

new feature

Tried cloning the repo and building it on a machine with only VS 2017 installed - and got these errors (both when doing `msbuild msos.sln` from command line and when...

I'm running `!ClrStack -a` and I get this error message for some threads ``` Exception during command execution -- InvalidOperationException: 'Sequence contains more than one matching element' at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source,...


Hi I downloaded the latest x64 release version of msos and try to use, it throws null reference exception. here is the output of command. Running on Windows 10 >msos.exe...


Phantom (zombie) threads may still linger on the heap and have the same managed ID as some other thread that's currently running. Need to be able to handle this condition....


The analysis report component should produce automatic recommendations based on some domain-specific knowledge of heap objects etc. in specific .NET frameworks. Below is a list of potential ideas. ### ASP.NET...

new feature

CLRMD doesn't seem to take alignment into account, whereas SOS (at least on older versions of the CLR) seems to take it into account. Consider reporting sizes with alignment. On...
