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Fake dependent types in Haskell using singletons
In thinking about #78, I realized that fixing that bug opens up a whole new possibility for promotion. Say a user wants to promote ``` data NatPred = MkNP (Nat...
Can you single a singleton? Currently the answer is "no", since there's no `Sing` instances for `Sing`s. But should there be? Recently, I found myself wanting something like this when...
This seems to be left out of the Prelude stuff, but I'm also unable to run `genSingletons` on this type: ```haskell genSingletons [''Data.Functor.Product.Product] ``` Produces ``` • Expected kind ‘*...
Given inductively defined naturals `data N = Z | S N` we can define finite sets as follows: ``` haskell data Fin :: N -> Type where FZ :: Fin...
Just for fun, I decided to try porting `Data.Map` to `singletons`. I know, that's crazy. [Here's the code]( It takes a while to compile that, but that doesn't bother me....
Even with, I'm not sure that we can properly single partial pattern matches in `do`-notation. For example, consider: ```haskell f :: [()] f = do Just () >= \arg...
I have a data type with around 80 data constructors and derived instances for Eq,Ord,Bounded, and Enum. With ghc-7.10 and singletons-2.1, this compiled in somewhere near 15 seconds. With GHC8...
In the `master` branch, all pattern-matches are "flattened" before further processing. This is done from `scLetDec` in `squashWildcards`, called in `singTopLevelDecs`. This is a drastic change, meaning that no patterns...
The following code compiled with singletons-1.0 ``` {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-} module SingTest where import Data.Singletons.Prelude import Data.Singletons.TH import Data.Type.Natural ( Bool Z
Things like `even`, `(^)`, etc. See the export list of `Prelude`. Make sure to move the definition of `(:^)` from TypeLits when this is done.