oauth2 copied to clipboard
Should check gcloud project Id when fetching ADCs
Should get the quota project when fetching ADCs. This has caused terraform apply
to fail with:
│ Error: Error creating Policy: failed to create a diff: failed to retrieve Policy resource: googleapi: Error 403: Your application is authenticating by using local Application Default Credentials. The orgpolicy.googleapis.com API requires a quota project, which is not set by default. To learn how to set your quota project, see https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/adc-troubleshooting/user-creds .
│ Details:
│ [
│ {
│ "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo",
│ "domain": "googleapis.com",
│ "metadata": {
│ "consumer": "projects/764086051850",
│ "service": "orgpolicy.googleapis.com"
│ },
│ "reason": "SERVICE_DISABLED"
│ }
│ ]
│ with module.cs-org-policy-storage_publicAccessPrevention.google_org_policy_policy.org_policy_boolean[0],
│ on .terraform/modules/cs-org-policy-storage_publicAccessPrevention/modules/org_policy_v2/boolean_constraints.tf line 20, in resource "google_org_policy_policy" "org_policy_boolean":
│ 20: resource "google_org_policy_policy" "org_policy_boolean" {
despite the billing and quota project being set in gcloud.
I'm running into the same issue. I noticed in my case, the project number showing up does not match the quota project's number:
"consumer": "projects/764086051850"
Have you found a fix?
I was able to get around it by manually setting the project in the environment variable
export USER_PROJECT_OVERRIDE=true # force resources to send a billing project
export GOOGLE_BILLING_PROJECT=your-quota-project # override the billing project for all resources
terraform apply
I was able to get around it by manually setting the project in the environment variable
You can also configure the provider instead of using environment variables.
provider "google" {
region = "europe-west10"
project = "my-project"
billing_project = "my-project"
user_project_override = true
Thank you both, that workaround worked for me.
That being said, since the original issue still persists, I'm sharing the Github issue I created for it for reference. Feel free to add a thumbs up for additional visibility from the product team.
- https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/17998