mock copied to clipboard
Mockgen: Support generating mock for interfaces with generics function params
In case I use a concrete type:
type Pagination struct {
Limit int64
Skip int64
//go:generate mockgen -source=$GOFILE -destination=mocks/autogen.$GOFILE -package=mocks
type IMongoDbClient interface {
GetMany(ctx context.Context, collectionName string, filter bson.M, pagination optional.Optional[Pagination]) error
is defined in another package as:
type Optional[T any] struct {
value T
present bool
When running go generate ./...
, the following error is raised:
2022/05/19 10:01:58 Loading input failed: failed parsing source file api.go: api.go:43:97: missing ',' in parameter list
lib/go/mongo/client/api.go:41: running "mockgen": exit status 1
Also tried using the workaround (mentioned in
type OptionalPagination = optional.Optional[Pagination]
Result in:
Loading input failed: failed parsing source file api.go: api.go:41:44: expected ';', found '['
lib/go/mongo/client/api.go:43: running "mockgen": exit status 1
Originally posted by @DanielSolomon in
Generic type is generated e.g. like this..
(*runtime.Poller[], error)
So in this case manually save the files console output to the file which should contain the generated code and removing the
part works as a workaround... (of course when adding the file to git) :-P
+1 for fixing this please :pray: