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proposal: Go 2: Add dimensionality to enrich type system and strengthen compile-type checking
Author background
Would you consider yourself a novice, intermediate, or experienced Go programmer? Novice with Go, experienced with other languages esp. C
What other languages do you have experience with? Fortran, Pascal, Algol, C, Rust, Python, PL/M, various assembler
Related proposals
Has this idea, or one like it, been proposed before? Not to my knowledge or that of other Go programmers I spoke with
Does this affect error handling? No
Is this about generics? No
What is the proposed change?
Golang does not allow mathematical operations between operands of different types, even if they have compatible underlying types. This provides highly useful protection for addition and subtraction and is helpful in avoiding a certain class of logical errors. For example, it is almost certainly a logical error to attempt to calculate
speed + elapsedTime
, (assuming their types have been appropriately defined as float64, for example). However, this is too restrictive for multiplication and division:distance = speed * elapsedTime
is a perfectly reasonable calculation. In order to perform this calculation today, the programmer must reduce everything to compatible types, typically the underlying types, this sacrificing the benefits of type checking. For example:
type distance float64
type time float64
type velocity float64
var v velocity
var d distance = 100
var t time = 2
v = d / t //will not compile, incompatible types
v = velocity(float64(d) / float64(t)) //will compile, but throws away type checking of d and t
A small enhancement to the rules for type mixing in expressions would allow useful constructs as mentioned above such as distance = speed * elapsedTime
, as well as other more complex calculations, while still preventing mistakes such as distance = speed + elapsedTime
. The characteristic of these calculations is that they mix values of different "dimension", in this case velocity, which in turn can be defined as having dimension Length/Time; and Time. And the resulting value has dimension different from either, i.e. Length in this case. While adding values of different dimension makes no sense, multiplying or dividing them can be perfectly meaningful and extremely useful.
This proposal would allow the developer to specify, by using the type system, dimensions and valid combinations of dimensions together with the new dimension that they result in.
- Who does this proposal help, and why? This proposal would help any programmer working with data that has dimensions, e.g. physical quantities of Length, Time, Distance, or combinations of them, i.e. essentially all scientific and engineering data, by providing an added compile-time check that only quantities of the correct dimension are being mixed.
It could also help programmers in commercial applications where dimension might be defined more abstractly than in physics. For example, to estimate project cost we multiply "number of FTEs" by "fully loaded FTE cost" to get a result in dollars (or appropriate currency). We should not be able to use any old number defined in dollars in this calculation, but only one defined as an FTE cost. Or we might estimate project duration by dividing "number of story points" by "story points per FTE per day" and multiplying by "number of FTEs" to get a result with dimension measured in Days. Other examples of common classes of commercial mistake that can be caught with appropriate definitions include mixing quantities in different currencies; or multiplying by a fraction (0.0 to 1.0) instead of a percentage (0.0 to 100.0).
The more complex the calculation, the more valuable the checking of dimension. And to reiterate, this checking is lost today even if the programmer defines types, because in order to write calculations that mix types, they must be reduced to the underlying type, e.g. float64
- Please describe as precisely as possible the change to the language. This proposal would ADD a new form of type definition as an extension to existing syntax to define a type as the product or quotient of other types.
It would also MODIFY the restriction on mixing types in arithmetic expressions: it would still be forbidden to mix types in addition and subtraction, but it would be permitted to mix types in multiplication and division provide they have compatible underlying types.
- What would change in the language spec?
- Multiplication or division of values and variables of different types would be allowed, provided their underlying types are compatible.
- The syntax for defining types would be extended to define types in terms of the product or quotient of other types, e.g.
type distance float64
type time float64
type mass float64
type velocity (distance / time)
type acceleration (velocity / time)
type force (mass * acceleration)
type energy (mass * velocity * velocity)
Such type definitions could be compounded to any (reasonable) degree necessary for the domain of the application.
- Please also describe the change informally, as in a class teaching Go. Consider the following code fragment that attempts to calculate a velocity from the division of distance by time.
type distance float64
type time float64
type velocity float64
var v velocity
var d distance = 100
var t time = 2
v = d / t //will not compile
The compiler will reject the assignment because the quotient of d
and t
has a different type from v
, even though they have the same underlying types. Specifically, d / t
has type (or dimension) distance / time
, which is not the same as velocity
- at least as far as the compiler knows! We could make it compile by the following explicit type conversions:
v = velocity(float64(d) / float64(t))
However, now we have sacrificed the type checking that we had hoped for by creating types for distance
and time
; d
and t
could mistakenly be variables of any type whose underlying type is float64
A better approach which allows us to retain the type checking is to define the type velocity
not as float64
but as the quotient of types distance
and time
type distance float64
type time float64
type velocity (distance / time)
var v velocity
var d distance = 100
var t time = 2
v = d / t //will compile, retains type checking
Of course, this example is very simple; real scientific and engineering formulas will often have many more variables and types.
Is this change backward compatible? Yes. This does not remove or change any existing syntax; nor change the semantics of any existing compilable code. It extends the allowed forms for calculations (type mixing) and for specifying types in terms of other types.
Orthogonality: how does this change interact or overlap with existing features? The concept of dimension is complementary to existing syntax for types, but as far as other language features are concerned, e.g. parameter passing, the end result behaves just like existing types.
Is the goal of this change a performance improvement? No.
Would this change make Go easier or harder to learn, and why? Probably minimal change. One small addition to the syntax for types is added, and a potential confusion about mixing types is removed.
What is the cost of this proposal? (Every language change has a cost). Modest. Existing code for determining the underlying types of variables and expressions and for converting between types, particularly to and from arithmetic types, will be relevant and can probably be reused. Additional code will be required in the code for parsing arithmetic expressions (see below under proposed implementation).
How many tools (such as vet, gopls, gofmt, goimports, etc.) would be affected? Compiler only.
What is the compile time cost? Modest. Additional checking for type compatibility in multiplications and divisions involving defined types whereas today those expressions are quickly rejected as errors.
What is the run time cost? Nil. After compile-time checking, the code reduces to the underlying types like any other calculation.
Can you describe a possible implementation? The compiler builds a dependency tree of types defined in terms of other types all the way down to underlying types. When it encounters an expression that multiplies or divides types it traverses the tree down to one level above underlying types, and verifies that dimension matches on both sides. For example, with the definitions
type distance float64
type time float64
type mass float64
type velocity (distance / time)
type acceleration (velocity / time)
type force (mass * acceleration)
type energy (mass * velocity * velocity)
a variable of type energy
has dimension (mass * velocity * velocity)
which expands to (mass * (distance / time) * (distance / time))
. The compiler will also expand the types of the variables to ensure that they have the same base dimensions, e.g. (force * distance)
expands to (mass * acceleration * distance)
and finally to (mass * distance / time / time * distance)
. Note that in order to see that these two are the same dimension, they must be rearranged into a common canonical form. However, this can be as simple as a list of base dimensions and for each a list of their indexes, e.g.
Therefore, verifying compatibility requires only traversing the dependency tree to the bottom and accumulating a count of the index of each base dimension.
- Do you have a prototype? (This is not required.) No.
Long prose description of proposal: Enhancement request_ Dimensionality of Types.docx
Historically Go has encouraged programming by writing code rather than coding by designing types. This change seems to make the type system more complicated in order to simplify the actual code. That's not a path that Go usually takes.
I'm also not completely clear on how this works. If velocity is distance divided by time, then distance is time multiplied by velocity. If I write type distance float64; type time float64; type velocity (distance / time)
then will the compiler permit distance
to be divided by time
but will not permit velocity
multiplied by time
The complication of the type system is minimal, and can be completely ignored by those who don't want to use it.
In terms of the Go philosophy I don't see this as any less idiomatic than types in general; and certainly less so than, say, the introduction of generics; or the protections afforded by interfaces. If this is the philosophy, one might as well argue against simple types (i.e. "aliasing" of underlying types) entirely, since it creates more problems than value. In any case, I would argue that there is always value in indicating intentions to the compiler and letting it help avert mistakes, especially when (a) there is no down side as using the construct is entirely optional and (b) there is no runtime cost. I am a big proponent of simple language features that remove mental burden from the developer allowing them to focus on logic rather than, say, details of the type conversion rules.
What is the programmatic alternative here? As far as I can see, the only way to do this without this enhancement is to cast everything down to float64, which eliminates the value of creating types in the first place; significantly complicates the code; obfuscates the programmer's intention for the reader (and isn't it a general principle that code is read many more times than it is written?). Am I missing something? If there were a way to achieve the same thing purely in code that I'm missing, I would be much more sympathetic to the argument that this is an unnecessary complication.
Perhaps the clarity and usefulness of this would be more clear in a more complicated, real-world example involving more variables and dimensions?
I am a huge fan of the type system in Golang, which in combination with interfaces and the direction generics are going in is IMO extremely powerful while avoiding the complexity traps other languages have fallen into. And I think it can be leveraged very powerfully as a complement to coding rather than an alternative.
Yes, you could also write
d = v * t
(with appropriate var declarations, obviously). The compiler would determine that indexes of the dimensions of v are distance 1 time -1 and of t it is time 1 leaving just distance, which matches d. And the same would apply to more complex calculations with more dimensions, e.g. energy or power.
I'm unclear how often something like would be useful. Velocity, time, and distance are pretty obvious, but in a program, how often can types be related like this? Can this handle more complicated relationships that map to more programming-related problems, rather than physics? In other words, can you give an example of something that is more likely to come up in an actual project?
I would encapsulate the type conversions in a function like so:
func calcVelocity(d distance, t time) velocity {
return velocity(float64(d) / float64(t))
Is that insufficient?
First, thank you for your engagement on this and testing whether the idea is robust.
That's as close as I could get too. (I tried doing the equivalent with an anonymous function, but for some reason couldn't get the typing to pass the compiler...).
The main difference here is that the compiler is no longer checking dimensions for us, because we have not told it explicitly that there is a relationship between velocity, distance, and time. So if we made a coding error in the function (unlikely in this simple example, more likely in realistic examples), such as mistakenly writing
return velocity(float64(t) / float64(d))
the compiler would not be able to detect it.
So I think I would say that this is considerably more verbose than being able to write v = d / t
, and a lot less clear to the reader than having to jump off to read a function definition, and loses the dimension checking. It also requires a separate function for every distinct formula we want to write this way. Finally, it adds the overhead of a function call (I have no idea how efficient that is in Golang?) - unless the compiler is smart enough to inline the function, which it might do for sufficiently simple functions.
So one way to think of this is that we are in a sense "inlining" the type checking that function parameters perform and putting it into the type checking of the variables directly in the formula; and in addition we gain the dimensional analysis that guards against incorrect formulas.
Would it help if I were to show some more extended examples?
@DeedleFake I have spent the last decade primarily working with people doing scientific and engineering projects so I admit I have a kind of population bias. However, with those people dimensional analysis is something they do all the time as verification of their formulas; so it would be very valuable to that population for the compiler to verify their formulas.
However, I do think lots of other domains have the potential to benefit although in less obvious ways than physics dimensions - although it might take a bit of a mental shift to realize that their variables have dimensions. For example, I have also been working with people in distributed storage-defined software and here they have many integers being juggled in calculation such as buffer size (bytes); bytes per block; blocks per network packet; overhead (bytes); queue lengths; etc. Consequently, it is easy and far from unknown to mix up what different integers represent when calculating buffer sizes, overhead allowances, etc. So for one simple example, if we want to compute how many bytes fit in a network packet, we calculate bytes per block * blocks per network packet, which very naturally has units of bytes per network packet.
Another example comes from own experience in a factory automation system, one of the gnarliest I dealt with as field engineer. At a canned food factory there was a production line subsystem that counted cans off the line, and a warehouse management subsystem that counted them into the warehouse. However, the latter subsystem was crashing periodically with an integer overflow. Eventually I found the problem at the interface between the two subsystems: the warehouse subsystem was expecting to receive a count of the number of pallets, which it then multiplied by 16 to get the number of cases of product in stock. However, the programmer of the production line system was not passing the number of pallets, but rather the number of cases, which when multiplied by 16 caused the crash. Judicious use of definitions (dimensions) such as countCansPerCase, countCasesPerPallet, countCases, and countPallets could have prevented the confusion. Lots of errors of this class happen at the interface between subsystems (e.g. the Mars mission that was lost because of a confusion between Metric and Customary units).
For another domain example, consider project tracking/planning software. You might have lots of integer values such as number of FTEs; story points for each story; story points per day for each programmer; burn down rates; etc. As integers they can be combined in many ways, most of them meaningless. By defining dimensions such as FTEs, story points, days, etc. we can ensure that we are only combining them in meaningful ways.
@DeedleFake P.S. if you have an existing codebase I could look at and see how it might work with this proposal, I am willing to do so. I think that is a fairer test than my making up an arbitrary or hypothetical example.
I really like this idea. It brings something that we naturally do every day and makes it a part of the language. In banking and insurance domains there are many dimensions that would only help to ensure the calculations are correct. It seems to me that this is a mechanical check that is actually very hard for humans to do. But it would be easy for a machine to do.
Make it a basic feature of function parameters. Then it can easily be applied to the special case of operators.
Dimension checking is something that gets drilled into us when dabbling in physics but from a comp.sci point of view, how would someone implement this?
All I can think of seems to rely on operator overloading at its basis (which is not allowed in Go for also good reasons) . Is this what this proposal could be reduced to? Anyone has an idea?
Edit: more specifically, a subset of operation overloading restricted to subtypes.
Basically, being able to further specify the operation +
as a monomorphizable quasi-method plus(u, v Number) Number
for instance. plus
would be using a switch case and would have to be extendable for the various relations between defined subtypes of Number... Don't know if it makes sense or if it is really possible, especially when wanting to avoid whole-program analysis.
I am familiar with this sort of dimensional-analysis-driven programming in some high-level languages, but I don't think any general-purpose language I've used has included it as a first-class feature.
Instead, I've typically seen it implemented by starting in a language that offers operator overloading and then using a library which allows constructing quantity types which include suitable overloads to make the arithmetic operators work correctly with them while also propagating the dimensions (and sometimes also converting units).
For example:
in Rust. - Pint in Python.
- units in C++
Of course I don't claim that the languages I'm familiar with are the only languages worth considering, but I would consider the three languages I used for the examples above to all have some intended use-cases in common with Go. (If you are thinking of some specific other languages that do have dimensions and quantities as first-class language primitives rather than as libraries, I'd love to learn about them!)
Assuming that it were valuable to model dimensions and quantities in Go, might it be more appropriate to follow the lead of these other languages and implement operator overloading as the language-level primitive, and then leave it to libraries to deal with the specific domain of engineering and scientific applications that would benefit most from dimensions and quantities?
The proposal here is not for operator overloading. It is to extend the type system to permit certain type combinations that are currently not permitted. Right now, the language does not permit dividing a variable of type distance
by a variable of type time
. With this proposal, it would permit dividing variables of those types, and the result would be type velocity
I understand the proposal as allowing to define relationships specifically between types whose underlying types support the /
and *
operators, and nothing else.
Go today does allow multiplying two values of a single named type whose underlying type supports multiplication. For example:
type velocity float64
v1 := velocity(1.0)
v2 := velocity(2.0)
result := v1 * v2
fmt.Printf("Result is %#v, a %T", v1*v2, result)
Result is 2, a main.velocity
In a dimensional analysis system I think this is an incorrect result, because the result should be (velocity * velocity)
, assuming such a thing were possible to represent in Go.
I'm not sure if this one hole where the types don't work out correctly invalidates benefits of making new expressions valid, but it does give me pause.
Particularly when considering one of the examples in the proposal which already includes a "velocity squared":
type energy (mass * velocity * velocity)
This seems to suggest that products of the same type are considered for dimensional analysis when combined with another type, but what about this one?
type velocitySquared (velocity * velocity)
Would a declaration like the above change the result of my example above to be Result is 2, a main.velocitySquared
The last example in my previous comment -- where defining velocitySquared
changed the meaning of velocity * velocity
-- also makes me realize that as currently proposed this seems to require global analysis rather than package-scoped analysis.
By that I mean that if type Velocity
were in one package and type VelocitySquared
were in another package, the Go compiler might need to take into account the definition of VelocitySquared
whenever it is dealing with operands of type Velocity
Although it was the self-product case that made me think of this, I think the same seems to be true for the other examples. If type Distance
and type Time
are in a different package than type Velocity
then the same problem would arise.
It's also possible that two different packages might define different types involving (Distance / Time)
, making it unclear which definition applies to a particular expression and therefore what the result type of an expression ought to be.
Perhaps it would be reasonable to limit this only to relationships between types in the same package, but I don't think anything else in Go behaves like that.
This also reminds me a little of a feature of the Rust programming language that some developers find frustrating (based on the number of grumpy questions I can find about it online): in order to call a method of a trait on a type that implements that trait, you must import the trait itself into scope even though the expression relying on it doesn't include the trait name anywhere in it.
Rust traits also deal with the problem of potentially-conflicting definitions using the so-called "orphan rules", which (roughly) require that the relationship between a type and a trait must be defined in either the crate that defined the type xor the crate that defined the trait. That means that the compiler only needs to consider two possible locations for a definition (so no global analysis) and the program is invalid if the two locations conflict with one another.
Of course this dimensional analysis problem is far less general than Rust traits, but it does seem to still have the same question of which behaviors are in scope in which locations, and of potentially-conflicting definitions in different packages affecting the same type. I'm not sure if Rust's solutions to this problem really make sense for Go.
Not specific to go, I don't quite like this kind of types in general.
- The type is missing the unit - use the example of velocity/distance/time, what is the unit of those values. What does
var v Velocity = 1
mean? Do we need to go a step further to do thing liketype DistanceInMeter float64
etc? - Very often in numerical simulations that I worked on, I want to know what the underlying type is (for example, to call either float32 or float64 version of some library code).
- I often reuse the memory of the same underlying type - for example, a float64 array may be used to store data for length, then updated for speed.
Because of 1) and 3), I actually have never used this kind of types for numerical simulation.
Also, not to nitpick, velocity generally also includes the direction information - and that's 3 values for a 3D velocity, plus the coordinate system. I am unsure how to properly design a system to account for those.
@apparentlymart I believe the result would have to be explicitly typed:
type velocity float64
type velocitySquared float64
var result velocitySquared
v1 := velocity(1.0)
v2 := velocity(2.0)
result = v1 * v2
velocityDoubled := velocity(2.0) * v1 // type velocity
result2 := velocitySquared(v1 * v2)
@czetie thanks. I can see the benefit of the compiler checking the formula is correct.
For non-trivial formulas I would cover it by a test, but I can see how it makes a library package easier to use correctly.
I wonder if there could be some proof of concept linter that could parse a comment to start with and validate a program for correctness.
type velocity float64 // Dimension: distance / time
This could help work out things like what was raised by @fardream before commiting to a language change
Dimension checking is something that gets drilled into us when dabbling in physics but from a comp.sci point of view, how would someone implement this?
No overloading required (other than what already exists for * and /). In its simplest form it just requires lifting the restriction against mixing types in multiplication and division provided that their underlying types are numeric (while retaining it for + and - because it strongly makes sense there).
velocity generally also includes the direction information
Actually I agree with you, but I did not want to complicate the simple examples.
- Do we need to go a step further to do thing like
type DistanceInMeter float64
Again, yes, and real world dimensional analysis typically does this, but I didn't want to complicate the examples here. (Remember the infamous lost Mars Lander due to a Newtons vs. customary units mixup?).
Regarding the float32/float64 versions of libraries, again this makes sense. If I were designing a language from scratch I would allow function parameter overloading so that functions could be written with the same names and different parameters (32 and 64 bit versions) and the compiler would distinguish them as distinct functions, calling the matching function based on the types of the parameters. In other words, functions are distinguished not merely by name but their entire signature: name, return type, and parameter type. I suspect that may not be very Go-like, but as is probably clear by now, I like making the compiler do the work!
For the memory reuse, not to sound flippant, but that sounds more like Fortran than Go :-) which of course is what a lot of people in your kind of domain are using. I would suggest that some kind of union type would be appropriate?
Perhaps it would be reasonable to limit this only to relationships between types in the same package, but I don't think anything else in Go behaves like that.
Very good point. I also suspect that for some applications development teams will want to have a common, shared set of definitions for common dimensions and relationships (much like good old header files in C). Perhaps something that mirrors the Public/private distinction for functions would be appropriate, so that any given developer can make use of team-shared dimensionality as well as private definitions of their own? FWIW I like the idea of reusing the existing mechanism for the Public/private distinction.
I wonder if there could be some proof of concept linter that could parse a comment to start with and validate a program for correctness.
type velocity float64 // Dimension: distance / time
This could help work out things like what was raised by @fardream before commiting to a language change
This is a very interesting idea. To make this work you would still need to lift the restriction on mixing different types in division or multiplication, or equivalently implicitly casting down [am I saying that right?] to the underlying types to allow it to compile, but obviously that is a much smaller work effort than implementing the analyzer.
For non-trivial formulas I would cover it by a test, but I can see how it makes a library package easier to use correctly.
Yes, and I suspect you would still want tests anyway to validate the calculations. My former customers in the scientific realm used to run massive amounts of tests whenever we changed our software to ensure that previous results still came out the same, only faster.
One way to think of this is that it is essentially "folding in" a certain amount of test - which is a huge help to people who, unlike you, are less than diligent in creating or maintaining tests. (I remember seeing some astonishingly high numbers for the amount of tests that are dead code, obsolete, or trivial "return true" stubs because people see it as a burden to write.)
#20757 is closely related.
@ianlancetaylor, I think the type-inference problem gets simpler (in some sense) if we allow variables to carry arbitrary combinations of units, and only collapse down to individual types when assigning to a variable of that type: an expression of type distance / time
can stand on its own, and only needs to be collapsed to velocity
when assigned to a variable of that type.
That said, I think the velocity
example is something of a category error. “Distance” and “time” are dimensions, not units — even in a system of natural units the meaning of dimensional numbers depends on exactly which system of units is in use. (For example, the existing time.Duration
as a unit is properly understood as “nanoseconds”, not “abstract duration”.)
A better motivating example might be the SI base units and their derived units: Seconds
, not Time
; Meters
, not Distance
. In such a system, some meaningful units don't have widely-used names: we measure velocity in SI as “meters per second”, not simply “velocity units”.
In such a system, I think it would make more sense to separate the notion of “units” from “numeric representation”: it is more meaningful to speak of “an int64
variable storing a quantity of meters
” than of “a variable of type meters
”. (To me, units are more like a special kind of type parameter than like types in their own right.)
@bcmills Interestingly, in my early drafts of this idea I started from the same kind of description that you have here. And yes, strictly speaking dimension is orthogonal to type in the usual sense. I even thought about having a keyword of dimension or dim, so you might write something like:
dim meters
var poolLength, poolWidth int32 meters
var poolArea int64 meters*meters
poolArea = poolLength * poolWidth
I also had thoughts about, as mentioned upthread, about the distinction between dimensions (length, time, etc.) and units (meters, seconds, etc.). After noodling with various designs for the syntax for a while I decided that for strictly practical purposes it was less disruptive to the language (and therefore less to learn) to collapse everything into the type concept. The question would be, is it likely that in a given project we would want to have more than one variable type (int32
, int64
) to have type meters
? If so they should be separate. However, this is very much something where arguments can be made on both sides and may the best argument win.
I also had in mind the kind of non-scientific realms where dimensions are largely "counts" rather than metrics. For example in my hypothetical project planning tool we might have something like
dim FTE //Full Time Equivalent workers; could be employees or freelancers
dim durationDay //Duration measured in days
var headCount int32 FTE //count of the number of people on the project
var projectDuration int32 durationDay
var projectCostFTEs int 64 durationDay * FTE
projectCostFTEs = projectDuration * headCount
@ianlancetaylor @czetie Ah, yes it seems that it is mostly a typing concern. I initially thought about operator overloading because for the most part, current operators work for values of the same type. That would allow to have operators available between defined types. It's true that the implementation of the operation would remain the same however.
@apparentlymart Regarding the restriction to * and /, that seems wise and easier. And explicitly deals with dimensions.
I still can't help but wonder if there isn't a general treatment somewhere to deal with time and temperature (and other) where deltas can be added but not the values themselves in most cases (unless we want to compute an average but a generic average function could deal with that easily).
Seems that restricting related definitions to a same package could perhaps work. Would have to check.
@bcmills Oh that's right :) I think that's something to really think about. Often people add distances, but it doesn't make sense to add time, only durations could be added to times and return another time. Or... https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/132720/how-do-you-add-temperatures
I still can't help but wonder if there isn't a general treatment somewhere to deal with time and temperature (and other) where deltas can be added but not the values themselves
The general treatment is to not provide arithmetic operators for such types. (time.Time
provides an Add
method, not a +
Note that most of the problems with time.Duration
detailed in #20757 arise from interacting with unitless values (multiplying, dividing, and converting), not interacting with time.Time
I see. I think that's something that should be taken into account.
The current proposal defines time
as a float64 and hence, has access to the regular operators.
When would that make sense?
Ack. re. #20757, there are also similar problematics that occur when dealing with currencies in financial software (if one is not careful about number representation and precision)
Returning to this again today with a fresher brain, it does kinda feel to me that this proposal reduces to being a special syntax for defining certain kinds of functions involving named types whose underlying types support multiplication and division.
(Note: I'm using "function" here only in a conceptual sense; I don't necessarily mean literally func
statements in the existing language.)
The notable differences from normal function declarations are:
- Calls to these functions get to use the
operators rather than the function call syntax. - One declaration can simultaneously declare a variety of different functions, including both the direct relationship expressed in the declaration and also inverse declarations that in some sense "undo" the main declared function. (Going from distance and time to speed but also from speed and time back to distance.)
Of these two differences, the second one could in theory be handled by code generation: an input file describing just the dimensional relationships could be transformed into a set of functions covering all of the possible operations and the types they ought to produce. The content of those functions would not be checked by the compiler (presumably they'd use conversions to and from the underlying type) but the calls to them would be checked, so assuming that the code generator is correct it would create a type-safe abstraction.
The goal of using built in operators rather than function call syntax can only be met by changing the language though, and so for me this seems to be the key question: is this a broad enough need to warrant growing the language to support it, rather than relying on third party tools and/or libraries?
(I do see that calling generated functions with function call syntax would not be nearly as ergonomic as using operators, but there are lots of things that would be more ergonomic with language support that we accept as being libraries instead because they are not broad enough to justify new language complexity.)
@atdiar time
in this context should be duration
. It makes sense to multiply duration
by speed
but not time
(as properly defined) by speed
@apparentlymart That's certainly one way of looking at it. Many years ago I worked a lot with code generators when they were popular, and finally a wise man told me: "Anything that can be generated can be generalized. And anything that can be generalized should be pushed down into the framework" (in this case, the "framework" being the language itself). It might have been Rod Johnson, creator of the Spring IOC framework, but this was a very long time ago!
I do think your parenthetical here is very important: is this one of the things that is useful enough to justify new language constructs? Obviously, I think so or I wouldn't have proposed it, but that is always the balancing act and honestly I think a lot of languages in the Java/C#/C++ world (and even Python) have strayed too far from simplicity.
So I would note in passing that there is a minimalist version of this proposal that could test the usefulness with zero language change and that is simply to loosen the existing restriction that numeric types cannot be mixed in arithmetic expressions: keep the restriction on + and - because it rarely makes sense to add numbers of different types; but allow for example expressions such as speed * duration
. Without the formal dimensional analysis the onus is on the programmer to get the units and dimensions correct, but the use of naming and types can still be used to prevent other type errors such as passing numerics of the wrong domain into expressions or as parameters (e.g. passing float64 speed
when float64 distance
was expected). Today that kind of exploitation of typing is all but impossible because of the constraint on mixing types in arithmetic.
Note that this could even be done non-disruptively in Go 1 since it doesn't affect current correct code at all, as a testbed for whether people do even want to use types this way and whether it is worth then investing in the full dimensional analysis in Go 2.