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crypto/x509/pkix: Name.String() rfc2253 AttributeTypes
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Print the issuer (or subject) dn from an x509 certificate:
According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2253#section-2.3 we have this table of
String X.500 AttributeType
CN commonName
L localityName
ST stateOrProvinceName
O organizationName
OU organizationalUnitName
C countryName
STREET streetAddress
DC domainComponent
UID userid
But currently in crypto/x509/pkix we have this
var attributeTypeNames = map[string]string{
"": "C",
"": "O",
"": "OU",
"": "CN",
"": "L",
"": "ST",
"": "STREET",
Could you please add "DC" and "UID" ? Or maybe could we have special method to pass additional attributeTypeNames for custom converting x509name to the string.
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CC @FiloSottile, @agl, @rsc per owners.
This sounds good, we'd take a PR for it.
Change https://golang.org/cl/263177 mentions this issue: crypto/x509/pkix: add styled string conversion of PKIX names
@FiloSottile i've added the new method StyledString
so we can now use custom style (attributes map).
Also, i've added DC
and UID
to be compliant with rfc2253 and T
, DN
and E
in addition to existing SERIALNUMBER
to extend common attributes.
@FiloSottile i've added the new method
so we can now use custom style (attributes map).
Adding an API would require a proposal, and since this is already implementing an obsolete RFC, I don't think we'll want to do that.
Also, i've added
to be compliant with rfc2253
Sounds good, thanks! It would be useful for review to have a reference in the CL or in the comments of where the OIDs come from.
in addition to existingSERIALNUMBER
to extend common attributes.
This might be ok, but is there a clear line to draw to explain why support these attributes and not more? I would like not to start maintaining an ever-growing registry. DC
and UID
had "because they are in RFC 2253".
Adding an API would require a proposal, and since this is already implementing an obsolete RFC, I don't think we'll want to do that.
Sorry didn't know about that. I thought we need the new method because as you said "I would like not to start maintaining an ever-growing registry" and it's absolute OK, but i think it's a good idea if API give pass custom attributes map with using all power converting rdn sequence that general String method already has.
Also, i've added DC and UID to be compliant with rfc2253
They come from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2253#section-2.3, currently we have 7 from 9 attributes from rfc2253 and two custom: SERIALNUMBER and POSTALCODE.
This might be ok, but is there a clear line to draw to explain why support these attributes and not more? I would like not to start maintaining an ever-growing registry.
My thoughts and concept of style (that's why i called with StyledString ) was about BC library https://github.com/bcgit/bc-java/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/asn1/x509/X509Name.java#L263-L294 Another one is jdk's table here https://github.com/frohoff/jdk8u-jdk/blob/master/src/share/classes/sun/security/x509/AVA.java#L1331
I think that we could add DC and UID in the current attributeTypeNames, to be complient with rfc 2253. In addition, could we in some way extend API and give users the possibility to iterate in reverse order (by rfc2253) with already implemented algorithm in String method of RDNSequence but with custom attributes map ?
We could use this new method like this if current String is not suitable:
myAttributes := map[string]string {
var name pkix.RDNSequence
asn1.Unmarshal(asn1Name, &name)
custom := name.StyledString(myAttributes)
What do you think ?
The current RFC 5280 section states
Standard sets of attributes have been defined in the X.500 series of
specifications [X.520]. Implementations of this specification MUST
be prepared to receive the following standard attribute types in
issuer and subject (Section names:
* country,
* organization,
* organizational unit,
* distinguished name qualifier,
* state or province name,
* common name (e.g., "Susan Housley"), and
* serial number.
In addition, implementations of this specification SHOULD be prepared
to receive the following standard attribute types in issuer and
subject names:
* locality,
* title,
* surname,
* given name,
* initials,
* pseudonym, and
* generation qualifier (e.g., "Jr.", "3rd", or "IV").
It also explicitly demands that
In addition, implementations of this specification MUST be prepared
to receive the domainComponent attribute, as defined in [RFC4519].
In particular the domainComponent RDN is quite important for designing modern PKIs, so I suggest to include the listed attributes, including the DC in the attributeTypeNames map which will result in proper representation within String().
https://github.com/golang/go/pull/44536 was raised to address this. However, this does not include the UID RDN, as this is not an OID that is required by RFC 5280. It may thus be useful to additionally include "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1": "UID" // userid
Change https://golang.org/cl/295391 mentions this issue: crypto/x509/pkix/pkix: add missing RFC 5280 RDN OIDs
@FiloSottile StyledString support would be a very handy API to not have to maintain a list of OIDs all the time. I encountered the same problem the other day, that the email address was unreadable. How likely is it that this proposal will be accepted?