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File driver traversing subdirectories

Open smferguson opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

We would like to be able to traverse subdirectories when using the file driver. It seems like not doing so may have been a design decision (https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/tree/master/source/httpfs/testdata/sql/subdirs-are-ignored). Is there background here? Would a PR that allowed this behavior be accepted (if it were written well/had tests)?


smferguson avatar Jun 14 '21 20:06 smferguson

Sub-directories are ignored for simplicity and safety. Migrations are run in order (parsed from the version number). If you were to traverse into sub-directories, the default parsing and sorting would flatten the migrations e.g. the sub-directory path is ignored

What is your desired behavior? I'm open to supporting traversing sub-directories provided it's a non-default option and the behavior is clearly documented and tested.

dhui avatar Jun 16 '21 04:06 dhui

I'd like it to continue to use the default sorting. I would just like to be able to group the migrations in nested directories by date, migrations/YYYY/MM/DD or something like that, and have the migrator pull out all the migrations. Having 1 folder with a few hundred migrations feels unwieldy (yes this is a little OCD).

smferguson avatar Jun 17 '21 18:06 smferguson

Are you writing multiple migrations per day? If not, I don't see how hundreds of directories is different from hundreds of files.

Your usage seems very specific, so I'm hesitant to support traversing sub-directories unless there's more demand for it. e.g. other people may want the migration version parsed out differently from the path vs the base filename However, feel free to create your own source driver that does this.

dhui avatar Jun 23 '21 18:06 dhui

It wouldn't be hundreds of directories. It would be a directory per year/month (I added day above by mistake). Anyway, we'll create our own 👍

smferguson avatar Jun 23 '21 18:06 smferguson

@smferguson Hi, have you created your own? Can you share the code?

BinaKompetisi avatar Mar 01 '24 01:03 BinaKompetisi

@BinaKompetisi Hey, I never had a chance, sorry.

smferguson avatar Mar 01 '24 03:03 smferguson

I tried writing it myself just now. But I don't know how to integrate it to the CLI.

//go:build go1.16
// +build go1.16

package main

import (


type driver struct {

func init() {
	source.Register("flatdir", &driver{})

// New returns a new Driver from io/fs#FS and a relative path.
func New(fsys fs.FS, path string) (source.Driver, error) {
	var i driver
	if err := i.Init(fsys, path); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to init driver with path %s: %w", path, err)
	return &i, nil

func (d *driver) Open(url string) (source.Driver, error) {
	return nil, errors.New("Open() cannot be called on the iofs passthrough driver")

type Driver struct {
	migrations *source.Migrations
	fsys       fs.FS
	path       string

type migrationEntry struct {
	entry fs.DirEntry
	path  string

// Init prepares not initialized IoFS instance to read migrations from a
// io/fs#FS instance and a relative path.
func (d *Driver) Init(fsys fs.FS, path string) error {

	var entries = getAllFiles(fsys, path)
	ms := source.NewMigrations()
	for _, e := range entries {
		if e.entry.IsDir() {
		m, err := createMigration(e)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		file, err := e.entry.Info()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if !ms.Append(m) {
			return source.ErrDuplicateMigration{
				Migration: *m,
				FileInfo:  file,
	d.fsys = fsys
	d.path = path
	d.migrations = ms
	return nil

func getAllFiles(fsys fs.FS, path string) []migrationEntry {
	var entries []migrationEntry
	fs.WalkDir(fsys, path, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
		if !d.IsDir() {
			entry := migrationEntry{
				entry: d,
				path:  path,
			entries = append(entries, entry)
		return nil
	slices.SortFunc(entries, func(i, j migrationEntry) int {
		return strings.Compare(i.path, j.path)
	return entries

func createMigration(entry migrationEntry) (*source.Migration, error) {
	m := source.Regex.FindStringSubmatch(entry.entry.Name())
	if len(m) != 5 {
		return nil, source.ErrParse

	versionUint64, err := strconv.ParseUint(m[1], 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &source.Migration{
		Version:    uint(versionUint64),
		Identifier: m[2],
		Direction:  source.Direction(m[3]),
		Raw:        entry.path,
	}, nil

// Close is part of source.Driver interface implementation.
// Closes the file system if possible.
func (d *Driver) Close() error {
	c, ok := d.fsys.(io.Closer)
	if !ok {
		return nil
	return c.Close()

// First is part of source.Driver interface implementation.
func (d *Driver) First() (version uint, err error) {
	if version, ok := d.migrations.First(); ok {
		return version, nil
	return 0, &fs.PathError{
		Op:   "first",
		Path: d.path,
		Err:  fs.ErrNotExist,

// Prev is part of source.Driver interface implementation.
func (d *Driver) Prev(version uint) (prevVersion uint, err error) {
	if version, ok := d.migrations.Prev(version); ok {
		return version, nil
	return 0, &fs.PathError{
		Op:   "prev for version " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(version), 10),
		Path: d.path,
		Err:  fs.ErrNotExist,

// Next is part of source.Driver interface implementation.
func (d *Driver) Next(version uint) (nextVersion uint, err error) {
	if version, ok := d.migrations.Next(version); ok {
		return version, nil
	return 0, &fs.PathError{
		Op:   "next for version " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(version), 10),
		Path: d.path,
		Err:  fs.ErrNotExist,

// ReadUp is part of source.Driver interface implementation.
func (d *Driver) ReadUp(version uint) (r io.ReadCloser, identifier string, err error) {
	if m, ok := d.migrations.Up(version); ok {
		body, err := d.open(path.Join(d.path, m.Raw))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
		return body, m.Identifier, nil
	return nil, "", &fs.PathError{
		Op:   "read up for version " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(version), 10),
		Path: d.path,
		Err:  fs.ErrNotExist,

// ReadDown is part of source.Driver interface implementation.
func (d *Driver) ReadDown(version uint) (r io.ReadCloser, identifier string, err error) {
	if m, ok := d.migrations.Down(version); ok {
		body, err := d.open(path.Join(d.path, m.Raw))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
		return body, m.Identifier, nil
	return nil, "", &fs.PathError{
		Op:   "read down for version " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(version), 10),
		Path: d.path,
		Err:  fs.ErrNotExist,

func (d *Driver) open(path string) (fs.File, error) {
	f, err := d.fsys.Open(path)
	if err == nil {
		return f, nil
	// Some non-standard file systems may return errors that don't include the path, that
	// makes debugging harder.
	if !errors.As(err, new(*fs.PathError)) {
		err = &fs.PathError{
			Op:   "open",
			Path: path,
			Err:  err,
	return nil, err

BinaKompetisi avatar Mar 01 '24 03:03 BinaKompetisi