CredCrack copied to clipboard
Servers with different languages fail
Hi John,
Today I used credcrack on a Dutch - Windows Server 2008 R2 installation and it fails because CredCrack can't query the Domain Admins group.
On a Dutch Windows Server 2008R2 installation the group name is "Domeinadministrators". I guess this Domain admin group is different on all other Windows servers installtions that are using an other language then English.
It might be an idea to gather all those group names and make an option for it in CredCrack?
Some more info:
The error message i receive from $output:
[] Setting up the stage [] Validating [*] Querying domain admin group from
Kan de groepsnaam niet vinden.
Typ NET HELPMSG 2220 voor meer hulp.
[!] User is not an admin on or the system is not joined to a domain
Cant find groupname Typ NET HELPMSG 2220 for more help.
Tried to fix it myself :-) and it worked. Replaced the Administrator group name and the replace and split strings, because the output of net group command is in Dutch.
2 lines below.
process = subprocess.Popen(split("winexe --system //{} -U {}/{}%{} 'cmd /c net group \"DomeinAdministrators\" /domain'".format(rhost, domain, username, password)), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
da_output = output.replace("De opdracht is voltooid.","").split()[output.split().index("Leden")+2:]
Sweet!! Good fix zer0-t, hopefully we can make CredCrack detect the different languages and automatically adjust in the near future. I'll definitely look into ways I can incorporate this by the next update hopefully, but if you figure out a good way to do it feel free to submit a pull request. Thanks!!