harbor copied to clipboard
A default `library` can be auto appended to the pull path when proxying cache dockerhub
Now, for pulling popular images of the docker hub, user needs to explicitly specify the library
docker pull
Actually, we can support the shorten pulling path for dockerhub (so far) by automatically appending the default library
if the user does not specify the namespace:
docker pull
If the user specifies other namespaces, then directly ignore:
docker pull
Is there a plan to implement this ? i am trying to setup a proxy-repository that behaves somewhat like the standard docker registry but currently i need to specify
$HARBOR_SERVER/library/library/$IMAGE:$TAG though i created the proxy project with the name "library"
if the Proxy Cache support base path could resolve this.
// new project as Proxy Cache in HARBOR
${HARBOR}/library: proxy_cache("docker.io", "/library")
${HARBOR}/library/nginx:latest => docker.io/library/nginx:latest
When user pull ${HARBOR}/nginx
The path parts only two and automately convert to ${HARBOR}/library/nginx
The rule could be used for multi proxy too.
// new project as Proxy Cache in HARBOR_PROXY
${HARBOR_PROXY}/docker.io: proxy_cache("docker.io", "")
// new project as Proxy Cache in HARBOR_INTERNAL
${HARBOR_INTERNAL}/docker.io: proxy_cache("${HARBOR_PROXY}", "/docker.io")
=> ${HARBOR_PROXY}/docker.io/library/busybox
=> docker.io/library/busybox
@steven-zou @xaleeks could we support this feature.
to what is "mirror proxy support" related ?
@flixpae just a suggestion.
v2.1 have a new feature Proxy Cache
(i renamed it).
i think if it support to configure BASE_PATH
could solve this issue.
from what i understand (read in the documentation) harbor imposes to specify the harbor "project" in the pull command if there would be a way present the docker client with the same path that he expects from e.g index.docker.io. It would be possible to use harbor as a registry-mirror in the docker-daemon config so minimal user adjustment is needed when using harbor as pull-through proxy
@morlay when i change the BASE_PATH how does harbor know if to fetch from remote-registry or a internal project ?
Proxy cache could not be used in registry-mirror
. i think we only pull image with a path prefix.
@flixpae for your usage.
First create a proxy cache project library
as proxy_cache("docker.io", "/library")
when you pull
docker pull $HARBOR_SERVER/library/nginx
The request for path /library/nginx
fisrt touch harhor, harhor know /library
should return from target hub of proxy_cache,
then fetch from target hub with converted path "docker.io" + "/library" + "/nginx"
so the BASE_PATH
is for proxy_cache to get pull image full uri.
if want to proxy for all image under docker.io
, prefer use docker.io
as project name, this could be clear.
# to pull
docker pull docker.io/library/nginx
# then add host prefix
docker pull $HARBOR_SERVER/docker.io/library/nginx
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we worked around the lack of this feature in our ingress controllers. This is a hack and I would love to see better support in harbor, but using this ingress spec (ingress-nginx specific) we are able to register our harbor instance as a registry mirror in /etc/docker/daemon.json and have commands like docker pull mysql
pull from harbor instead of dockerhub.
assuming the proxy cache project is called "proxy" we use:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /v2/proxy/library/$1
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-log: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
if ( $request_uri ~ "scope=repository%3Alibrary(.*)" ) {
rewrite ^ /service/token?scope=repository%3Aproxy%2Flibrary$1 break;
app: harbor
name: harbor-proxy-ingress
namespace: harbor
- host: harbor.my.domain
- backend:
serviceName: harbor-core
servicePort: 80
path: /v2/library/(.*)
- backend:
serviceName: harbor-core
servicePort: 80
path: /service/token
this rewrites the request URL made to harbor for the image to include the proxy project name, and modifies the token request parameters to include the project scope.
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