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use webdriverio like api in browser with karma lol


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This project aims to integrate webdriverio into karma, for writing event-drive-tests conveniently.

for example, in your browser side test code, call webdriverio api to simulate dragAndMove behavior:

        await browser
            .moveToObject(document.body, 0, 0) // top-left corner
            .buttonDown() // left-mouse down
            .moveTo(null, 0, -100) // mouse-move -100 on the Y-axis
            .buttonUp() // left-mouse up
            .$apply(); // execute

LOL Good News!!!

WarningFeature rely on WebdriverIO, seems a bug need to be fixed, detail Issue.

Since version 0.0.13, ext will auto route apis for PC to mobile support apis, for example:

moveToObject(ele, x, y) + buttonDown() => touchDown(ele.left + x, ele.top + y)

more [email protected]. Then most of ur tests can run both sides of PC and mobile, Write once, run twice.

How it works

browser in karma-event-driver-ext is just a proxy to receive command. while a webdriverio-like api being called, proxy will format arguments received, for example, convert an argument which type is Element to unique query, then call $apply to sends drive-commands to socket server and wait for executing response.

webdriverio is used to drive the browser and simulate user-behavior.


  • must not hard refresh karma test page [Chrome is fine, while firefox goes wrong unexpectedly]
  • must call $apply, a promise will be returned.
  • if Element has no id, event-drivers-hook js will assign a unique id to it automatically.
  • aim to simulate event and most webdriverio api support[except $, $$, then and all Window/api]. more api


then must export path to $PATH where u put drivers* or copy drivers* to project directory.


npm install


module.exports = {
     customLaunchers: {
        'Chrome': {
            base: 'WebDriverio',
            browserName: 'chrome',
            name: 'Karma'
        'Firefox': {
            base: 'WebDriverio',
            browserName: 'firefox',
            name: 'Karma-Firefox',
            config: {
                browserName: 'firefox',
                host: '', // default
                port: '4444' // default
    browsers: ['Chrome'],
    // if plugins assigned, should:
    // since with plugins, karma won't auto load karma-* modules
    plugins: [

Tests code get webdriverio api:

basic usage
    import { beforeHook, beforeEachHook, afterHook, browser, config } from 'karma-event-driver-ext/cjs/event-driver-hooks';
    let { $serial } = browser;
    // ext using socket-io to communicate with webdriver-io, host & port is changeable
        host:, // default
        port: 8848       // default, if modified, keep same to init({ port: 8848 })
    describe('Test', function() {
        // first increase timeout
        // then before all hook
        before(async () => {
            await beforeHook();

        // required if using $serial
        beforeEach(async () => {
            await beforeEachHook();

        after(async () => {
            await afterHook();

        it('Example', async () => {
            await browser
            await browser
                .$apply(); // wait 1000 ms
advanced usage

in specified situation, eg: React Component, tests won't start until componentDidMount trigger, More complex, will pause and wait for componentDidUpdate to resume.

always need wrapping a promise:

it('test', async () => {
    let rs, rj, prom = new Promise((s, j) => {
        rs = s;
        rj = j;
    class A extends Component {

        componentDidMount() {

        componentDidUpdate() {

        click() {
                reRender: true
        render() {
            return <div id="button">click me</div>
    let inst = ReactDom.render(<A/>, document.body);
    await prom;
    prom = new Promise((s, j) => {
        rs = s;
        rj = j;
    await browser
    await prom;

Ext makes a new way that use $serial api to wrap test in serial, then use browser.$next(status) to start/resume/reject and $apply('applyAndWaitForNext')/$applyAndWaitForNext() to pause test, $serial return a promise which will be resolved if all tests finished.

Instead of wrapping promise, u can:

    class A {
        componentDidMount() {

        componentDidUpdate() {
    ReactDom.render(<A/>, document.body);

    // await or return, $serial return a promise
    return browser.$serial(
        async () => {
            await browser
        async () => {
            await browser

If browser.$next() ran before $serial, a resolved promise flag will be assigned to browser. then while calling $serial, if there is a resolved promised flag, serial tests will auto start.

Ensure calling beforeEachHook() in beforeEach if using $serial

    beforeEach(async () => {
        await beforeEachHook();

And, once test broke, it won't resume util calling browser.$next()

   await browser
        .$applyAndWaitForNext(); // or .$apply('applyAndWaitForNext');
   // pause here, util browser.$next()
   pausing code wait for next


  • using mocha + chai-sinon
  • using jasmine

Run Test:


    // start selenium-server-standalone
    java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.3.1.jar
    // start karma server && event-driver server
    node node_modules/karma-event-driver-ext
    // or 

api: runner.js

    let ext, { init } = require('karma-event-driver-ext');
    let karmaServer = init({
        onExit: (exitCode) {
            console.log('exitCode',  exitCode);
        port: 8848 // default, same to config({ port: 8848 })
    node runner.js
    // or 
    ./node_modules/.bin/karma-event-driver-ext runner.js

    // or if npm install -g: ^0.0.10, ensure all dependencies installed -g.
    // karma-event-driver-ext runner.js