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mvs nodes not producing any output
Thanks for sharing your work! I've been trying to reproduce you results using your dataset rpg_stereo_tro, for what I've tried to run the mapping and tracking nodes as:
roslaunch esvo_core monosystem_rpg_stereo.launch
and (as discussed in issue #3 ):
roslaunch esvo_core mvsmono_rpg_mono.launch
However, none of them produce any output, either on the depth maps or the point cloud. I'm using ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04 Do you know what might be causing the problem?
Note that I've modified mvsmono_rpg_mono.launch
to fit the ros topics as:
<rosparam param="/use_sim_time">true</rosparam>
<!-- Time Surface generation -->
<node name="TimeSurface_left" pkg="esvo_time_surface" type="esvo_time_surface">
<remap from="events" to="/davis/left/events" />
<remap from="image" to="/davis/left/image_raw" />
<remap from="camera_info" to="/davis/left/camera_info" />
<remap from="time_surface" to="/TS_left" />
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find esvo_core)/cfg/time_surface/ts_parameters.yaml" />
<!-- synchronize both renderings using the rosbag timer -->
<node name="global_timer" pkg="rostopic" type="rostopic" args="pub -s -r 70 /sync std_msgs/Time 'now' ">
<!-- Calibration folder -->
<arg name="calibInfoDirStr" default="$(find esvo_core)/calib/rpg_mono"/>
<!-- Mapping node -->
<!-- launch-prefix="gdb -ex run -\-args" -->
<node name="esvo_MVSMono" pkg="esvo_core" type="esvo_MVSMono" output="screen" required="true">
<remap from="time_surface_left" to="/TS_left" />
<remap from="stamped_pose" to="/optitrack/davis" />
<remap from="events_left" to="/davis/left/events" />
<rosparam param="dvs_frame_id">"dvs"</rosparam>
<rosparam param="world_frame_id">"map"</rosparam>
<rosparam param="calibInfoDir" subst_value="true">$(arg calibInfoDirStr)</rosparam>
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find esvo_core)/cfg/mvsmono/mvsmono_rpg_mono.yaml" />
<node name="saveMap" pkg="esvo_core" type="saveMap" output="screen" required="true" >
<remap from="events" to="/davis/left/events" />
<remap from="pointcloud" to="/esvo_mvsmono/pointcloud_local" />
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find esvo_core)/cfg/mvsmono/mvsmono_rpg_mono.yaml" />
<!-- Visualization -->
<!-- <node pkg="rqt_gui" type="rqt_gui" name="rqt_gui"
args="-perspective-file $(find esvo_core)/esvo_mvsmono.perspective" /> -->
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz"
args="-d $(find esvo_core)/esvo_mvsmono.rviz" />
Sorry that the monosystem_rpg_stereo is well-tested. Please check the original ESVO if you want to use mvs-related functions.
Hi, I've met the same problem. Have you solve the problem and got any mapping result from mvsmono_rpg_mono yet?
Hi, I've met the same problem. Have you solve the problem and got any mapping result from mvsmono_rpg_mono yet?
The code is well-tested, sorry. For the origin mvsmono_rgb_mono, you can check the ESVO repo: