
Results 112 comments of gogo2464

The first part is to attach the pid from the android VM with: `gdbserver --attach localhost:12345 18190` where 18190 is the pid of the process.

> just r2 -d 18190 Yes but after you will need to select what you debug like dex file or .so.

I imagine something like: ``` gdbserver --attach localhost:1234 ; radare2 -d gdb://localhost:1234/ -e dbg.exe.path=library.so; ``` Inspired by https://mobile-security.gitbook.io/mobile-security-testing-guide/android-testing-guide/0x05c-reverse-engineering-and-tampering#debugging-native-code.

I just finished to merge a PR to send coverage to coverall site. Sadly you are already in this issue. Tell me if you have any question.

@Muqi-Zou I have not tested on my computer but about your logs and the errors you should use the nightly toolchain for radeco. Try: ``` rustup toolchain install nightly; rustup...

@Fayozbek pip can break your system if it is installed out of virtualenv. Ensure you did it in. Else, Try: ``` virtualenv -p python3 env; source env/bin/activate; pip install r2pipe;...

@hugovk I got the same issue today. I found the answer alone. Just replace ```nosetests --with-doctest .\tests\doctests.py --verbose``` with ````python -m pytest --doctest-modules -v .\folder_that_contain_your_code```` Where .\folder_that_contain_your_code is your clone....

@oddcoder I used GTK-rs in a project. The programming interface is relatively complete but the design is ugly. Just about the official site: > written in Rust, supported by the...

@oddcoder then I think we do not have the choice. If for the moment we want a GUI immediately we can only use gtk-rs. It is what I thank when...

I saw this https://dev.to/davidedelpapa/rust-gui-introduction-a-k-a-the-state-of-rust-gui-libraries-as-of-january-2021-40gl then I finally decided I will finally use Druid for rair-gui. You can check out my project here: https://github.com/gogo2464/rair-gui.