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Aspect Oriented Programming For Golang
Aspect Oriented Programming For Golang
current version is in alpha, welcome to submit your ideas (api is not stable current version)
Basic Usage
define struct
type Auth struct {
func (p *Auth) Login(userName, password string) bool {
if userName == "zeal" && password == "gogap" {
return true
return false
// use join point to get Args from real method
func (p *Auth) Before(jp aop.JoinPointer) {
username := ""
jp.Args().MapTo(func(u, p string) {
username = u
fmt.Printf("Before Login: %s\n", username)
// the args is same as Login
func (p *Auth) After(username, password string) {
fmt.Printf("After Login: %s %s\n", username, password)
// use join point to around the real func of login
func (p *Auth) Around(pjp aop.ProceedingJoinPointer) {
fmt.Println("@Begin Around")
ret := pjp.Proceed("fakeName", "fakePassword")
ret.MapTo(func(loginResult bool) {
fmt.Println("@Proceed Result is", loginResult)
fmt.Println("@End Around")
In this case, we want call Before()
func before Login()
, and After()
func after Login()
In general, we will do it like as following
func (p *Auth) Login(userName string, password string) bool {
p.Before(userName, password)
defer p.After(userName, password)
if userName == "zeal" && password == "gogap" {
return true
return false
So, if we have more funcs to call before and after, it will pollution the real logic func Login()
, we want a proxy help us to invoke Before()
and After()
That was what AOP does.
Step 1: Define Beans factory
beanFactory := aop.NewClassicBeanFactory()
beanFactory.RegisterBean("auth", new(Auth))
Step 2: Define Aspect
aspect := aop.NewAspect("aspect_1", "auth")
Step 3: Define Pointcut
pointcut := aop.NewPointcut("pointcut_1").Execution(`Login()`)
Step 4: Add Advice
aspect.AddAdvice(&aop.Advice{Ordering: aop.Before, Method: "Before", PointcutRefID: "pointcut_1"})
aspect.AddAdvice(&aop.Advice{Ordering: aop.After, Method: "After", PointcutRefID: "pointcut_1"})
aspect.AddAdvice(&aop.Advice{Ordering: aop.Around, Method: "Around", PointcutRefID: "pointcut_1"})
Step 5: Create AOP
gogapAop := aop.NewAOP()
Setp 6: Get Proxy
proxy, err := gogapAop.GetProxy("auth")
Last Step: Enjoy
login := proxy.Method(new(Auth).Login).(func(string, string) bool)("zeal", "gogap")
fmt.Println("login result:", login)
$> go run main.go
Before Login: zeal
After Login: zeal gogap
Login result: true
Pointcut expression
every condition expression is regex expression
pointcut := aop.NewPointcut("pointcut_1")
// will trigger the advice while call login
// will trigger the advice will call any func
// will not trigger the advice will call any func
other conditions:
- WithIn
- NotWithIn
- Bean
- NotBean
// will trigger the advie while we call Login
// and in bean named auth
// will trigger the advie while we call Login
// and in bean named auth and sysAuth
// will trigger the advie while we call Login
// and in bean named auth not sysAuth
// will trigger the advie while we call Login
// and the call stacktrace should contain example/aop/main
Do not want to assertion func type
proxy.Invoke(new(Auth).Login, "zeal", "errorpassword").End(
func(result bool) {
login = result
Weaving other beans into aspect
define a bean
type Foo struct {
// @AfterReturning, the method could have args of aop.Result,
// it will get the result from real func return values
func (p *Foo) Bar(result aop.Result) {
result.MapTo(func(v bool) {
fmt.Println("Bar Bar Bar .... Result is:", v)
register bean
beanFactory.RegisterBean("foo", new(Foo))
create aspect
aspectFoo := aop.NewAspect("aspect_2", "foo")
add advice
aspectFoo.AddAdvice(&aop.Advice{Ordering: aop.AfterReturning, Method: "Bar", PointcutRefID: "pointcut_1"})
add aspect into aop
Before Login: zeal
Bar Bar Bar .... Result is: true
After Login: zeal gogap
Login result: true
Turn on trace for debug
err := aop.StartTrace()
// use proxy to call your funcs
t, err := aop.StopTrace()
for _, item := range t.Items() {
fmt.Println(item.ID, item.InvokeID, item.BeanRefID, item.Pointcut, item.Method)
$> go run main.go
go run main.go
==========Func Type Assertion==========
Before Login: zeal
@Begin Around
@Login fakeName fakePassword
@Proceed Result is false
@End Around
After Login: zeal gogap
Login result: false
Before Login: zeal
@Begin Around
@Login fakeName fakePassword
@Proceed Result is false
@End Around
After Login: zeal errorpassword
Login result: false
1 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0h0 auth main.(Auth).Login Before
2 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0h0 auth main.(Auth).Login Around
3 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0h0 auth main.(Auth).Login *Login
4 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0h0 foo main.(Auth).Login Bar
5 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0h0 auth main.(Auth).Login After
6 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0hg auth main.(Auth).Login Before
7 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0hg auth main.(Auth).Login Around
8 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0hg auth main.(Auth).Login *Login
9 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0hg foo main.(Auth).Login Bar
10 aqpk3jjhssa5ul6pt0hg auth main.(Auth).Login After
means the real func in this call