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test: select form control status
PR Checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines:
- [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
PR Type
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
- [ ] Bugfix
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
- [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
- [ ] Build related changes
- [ ] CI related changes
- [ ] Documentation content changes
- [x] Other... Please describe:
Currently just adds more test related to select's form control
Which package are you modifying?
- [ ] accordion
- [ ] alert
- [ ] alert-dialog
- [ ] aspect-ratio
- [ ] avatar
- [ ] badge
- [ ] button
- [ ] calendar
- [ ] card
- [ ] checkbox
- [ ] collapsible
- [ ] combobox
- [ ] command
- [ ] context-menu
- [ ] data-table
- [ ] date-picker
- [ ] dialog
- [ ] dropdown-menu
- [ ] hover-card
- [ ] icon
- [ ] input
- [ ] label
- [ ] menubar
- [ ] navigation-menu
- [ ] pagination
- [ ] popover
- [ ] progress
- [ ] radio-group
- [ ] scroll-area
- [x] select
- [ ] separator
- [ ] sheet
- [ ] skeleton
- [ ] slider
- [ ] sonner
- [ ] spinner
- [ ] switch
- [ ] table
- [ ] tabs
- [ ] textarea
- [ ] toast
- [ ] toggle
- [ ] tooltip
- [ ] typography
What is the current behavior?
Closes #
What is the new behavior?
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No