xsd2php copied to clipboard
Trying to convert OAS but getting "can't find type errors"
I'm getting the following errors trying to convert OAS 2017A specification:
In SchemaReader.php line 1024:
Can't find type named {}#POS_Type, at line 1 in /Users/kazimi/Downloads/2017A_10_Publication/OpenTravel_2017A_XML/OTA_AirCheckIn.xsd
In Schema.php line 100:
Can't find the Type named {}#POS_Type.
# config.yml
'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05': 'App\Services\OAS'
'App\Services\OAS': app\Services\OAS
'App\Services\OAS': app\Services\OAS
naming_strategy: long
goetas-webservices/xsd-reader v0.3.4 Read any XML Schema (XSD) programmatically with PHP
goetas-webservices/xsd2php v0.3.4 Convert XSD (XML Schema) definitions into PHP classes and JMS metadata
goetas-webservices/xsd2php-runtime v0.2.9 Convert XSD (XML Schema) definitions into PHP classes
Would be great if you could help me out!
@WillemRoman Got a similar issue. What was your resolution?
It looks that the OTA Common.xsd was not imported. Make sure that your XSD loads it
It looks that the OTA Common.xsd was not imported. Make sure that your XSD loads it
That's exactly what I was thinking. I've been trying to generate the XSD from the 2014B OTA specification. (Which I attached)
Upon running:
./bin/xsd2php convert src/App/Providers/IntegrationBundle/Resources/config/xsd2php.yml src/App/Providers/IntegrationBundle/Resources/schema/*.xsd
The follow error is returned:
In SchemaReader.php line 1024:
Can't find type named {}#POS_Type, at line 1 in /var/www/symfony/src/App/Providers/IntegrationBundle/Resources/schema/OTA_AirCheckIn.xsd
In Schema.php line 100:
Can't find the Type named {}#POS_Type.
This made me think that perhaps the "OTA_AirCheckIn.xsd" does not load the Common.xsd. I can see that it does, however it's through a nested include.
Which then eventually loads it via: <xs:include schemaLocation="OTA_CommonTypes.xsd"/>
You can see the XSD I'm trying to generate from. I've just extracted the entire XSD, however, I'm really only interested in the OTA_Hotel*
I really don't have any idea how to continue investigations on this.
root@43f6889c4f4b:/var/www/symfony# composer info | grep xsd
Do not run Composer as root/super user! See https://getcomposer.org/root for details
goetas-webservices/xsd-reader v0.3.4 Read any XML Schema (XSD) programmatically with PHP
goetas-webservices/xsd2php v0.3.4 Convert XSD (XML Schema) definitions into PHP classes and JMS metadata
goetas-webservices/xsd2php-runtime v0.2.9 Convert XSD (XML Schema) definitions into PHP classes
I've tried many variations of the following:
# config.yml
# Linux Users: PHP Namespaces use back slash \ rather than a forward slash /
# So for destinations_php, the namespace would be TestNs\MyApp
'': 'App\Providers\IntegrationBundle\Outgoing\OTA\Model'
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' : 'App\Providers\IntegrationBundle\Outgoing\OTA\Model'
'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05': 'App\Providers\IntegrationBundle\Outgoing\OTA\Model'
'http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05/common' : 'App\Providers\IntegrationBundle\Outgoing\OTA\Model'
'App\Providers\IntegrationBundle\Outgoing\OTA\Model': src/App/Providers/IntegrationBundle/Outgoing/OTA/Model
'App\Providers\IntegrationBundle\Outgoing\OTA\Model': src/App/Providers/IntegrationBundle/Resources/serializer/OTA
naming_strategy: short
path_generator: psr4
I still have exactly the same issue as @Kalyse , any idea @goetas ? It seems that the OTA common are included in the XSD files but happenend to not be loaded within the converter script. Thanks a lot in advance!
I'm not able to look at this, but just before I finished for work on Friday, I decided to stop trying to convert everything, and instead only convert the OTA_*RS.xsd and OTA_RQ.xsd.
The reasoning what that those XSD should contain everything anyway. This succeeded. However, I have not had any chance to actually check if it's worked because I was finishing work.
You might want to try that. Let me know how you get on...