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Missing template folders at the end of the build process

Open timothyparez opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

OS/device including version:

So I went through the entire process described in the readme and at the end of it I seem to be missing a whole bunch of files in the templates directory. Here are all the steps and the result:

Clone mono:

git clone https://github.com/mono/mono.git --recurse-submodules
git checkout tags/mono- -b mono-

Clone the godot-mono-builds repository:

git clone https://github.com/godotengine/godot-mono-builds.git

Directory structure:


Patch and build

cd godot-mono-builds
export MONO_SOURCE_ROOT=../mono/
./linux.py configure --target=x86 --target=x86_64
./linux.py make --target=x86 --target=x86_64

Export paths

export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$HOME/Android/android-ndk-r21d
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk/
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Android/Sdk/

Installing CMake for android

Use the Android SDK manager, if it fails to load make sure to use OpenJDK8

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java
./sdkmanager --install "cmake;"

Build the runtime for all supported Android ABIs.

./android.py configure --target=all-runtime
./android.py make --target=all-runtime

Build the AOT cross-compilers targeting all supported Android ABIs.

./android.py configure --target=all-cross
./android.py make --target=all-cross

###Build the AOT cross-compilers for Windows targeting all supported Android ABIs.

./android.py configure --target=all-cross-win --mxe-prefix=/usr
./android.py make --target=all-cross-win --mxe-prefix=/usr

Build the Desktop BCL.

./bcl.py make --product=desktop

Build the Desktop BCL for Windows.

./bcl.py make --product=desktop-win32

Build the Android BCL.

./bcl.py make --product=android

Build the iOS BCL.

./bcl.py make --product=ios

Build the WebAssembly BCL.

./bcl.py make --product=wasm

Copy the BCL

/linux.py copy-bcl --target=x86 --target=x86_64

Reference assemblies

./reference_assemblies.py install

Compile Godot

Clear any FrameworkPathOverride first!

export FrameworkPathOverride=

scons -j6 platform=x11 target=release_debug tools=yes module_mono_enabled=yes copy_mono_root=yes mono_prefix="$HOME/mono-installs/desktop-linux-x86_64-release/" mono_glue=no

bin/godot.x11.tools.64.mono --generate-mono-glue modules/mono/glue

scons -j6 platform=x11 target=release_debug tools=yes module_mono_enabled=yes copy_mono_root=yes mono_prefix="$HOME/mono-installs/desktop-linux-x86_64-release/"

scons -j6 platform=android target=release tools=no module_mono_enabled=yes copy_mono_root=yes mono_prefix="$HOME/mono-installs/android-armeabi-v7a-release"

scons -j6 platform=android target=release tools=no module_mono_enabled=yes copy_mono_root=yes mono_prefix="$HOME/mono-installs/android-arm64-v8a-release/" android_arch=arm64v8

scons -j6 platform=android target=release_debug tools=no module_mono_enabled=yes copy_mono_root=yes mono_prefix="$HOME/mono-installs/android-armeabi-v7a-release"

scons -j6 platform=android target=release_debug tools=no module_mono_enabled=yes copy_mono_root=yes mono_prefix="$HOME/mono-installs/android-arm64-v8a-release/" android_arch=arm64v8

cd platform/android/java
./gradlew generateGodotTemplates

At the end of this, bin/ contains:


I can run godot.x11.opt.tools.64.mono and run games with C# scripts. When I try to export the game to Android it throws an error:

Failed to export c# project, Assembly not found: "Mono.Android"

It turns out this is because ~/.local/share/godot/templates/3.2.4.beta.mono only contains the following files:

  • android_debug.apk
  • android_release.apk
  • version.txt

whereas the the template directory for the official build contains folders such as bcl, android_source.zip, etc... There does not seem to be a copy-bcl argument for android.py.

So where are those files and how should I copy them to the templates directory?

timothyparez avatar Dec 21 '20 03:12 timothyparez