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Is it possible to implement elitism?
I wrote this function and used it as a callback to attemp elitist selection without success:
best_chromosome = None
def save_best(population):
global best_chromosome
population_best = population.current_best
if best_chromosome is None or population_best.fitness > best_chromosome.fitness:
best_chromosome = deepcopy(population_best)
Is there a way to do it?
I think this is where the callback
step can really make a difference.
Hi @koaning, I use the callback
step with the function I showed but someone the population does not have the behaviour I want
Is there a minimum viable example that you can share? Without one it is very hard for me to understand the missing behavior.
Thanks for the quick reply!
This an example, it is based on the README example so it doesn't add too much different behaviour. Below is the history of best fitness, which I would have expected to be monotonically increasing but it wasn't.
import random
from evol import Population, Evolution
from copy import deepcopy
def random_start():
This function generates a random (x,y) coordinate
return (random.random() - 0.5) * 20, (random.random() - 0.5) * 20
def func_to_optimise(xy):
This is the function we want to optimise (maximize)
x, y = xy
return -(1-x)**2 - 2*(2-x**2)**2
def pick_random_parents(pop):
This is how we are going to select parents from the population
mom = random.choice(pop)
dad = random.choice(pop)
return mom, dad
def make_child(mom, dad):
This function describes how two candidates combine into a new candidate
Note that the output is a tuple, just like the output of `random_start`
We leave it to the developer to ensure that chromosomes are of the same type
child_x = (mom[0] + dad[0])/2
child_y = (mom[1] + dad[1])/2
return child_x, child_y
def add_noise(chromosome, sigma):
This is a function that will add some noise to the chromosome.
new_x = chromosome[0] + (random.random()-0.5) * sigma
new_y = chromosome[1] + (random.random()-0.5) * sigma
return new_x, new_y
best_chromosome = None
fitness_history = []
def save_best(population):
global best_chromosome
if not population.is_evaluated:
population_best = population.current_best
if best_chromosome is None or population_best.fitness > best_chromosome.fitness:
best_chromosome = deepcopy(population_best)
amount = len(population.individuals)
index = np.random.randint(0, amount)
population.individuals[index] = best_chromosome
# We start by defining a population with candidates.
pop = Population(chromosomes=[random_start() for _ in range(10)],
eval_function=func_to_optimise, maximize=True)
# We define a sequence of steps to change these candidates
evo1 = (Evolution()
.breed(parent_picker=pick_random_parents, combiner=make_child)
.mutate(mutate_function=add_noise, sigma=1.5)
pop = pop.evolve(evo1, n=50)
with plt.style.context("bmh"):
First 100 steps:
Your example isn't complete. You didn't add the code that handles the actual logging of stats you see in your chart or the generate_chromosome
function to generate the candidates. I cannot reproduce your code so I cannot confirm/deny if there's a bug in your code.
You are right, I am sorry.
I edited the message and use the README code to build a minimal self-contained example.
I am reporting the population.current_best.fitness
for the generation fitness, and this is the metric I would like to keep monotonically increasing
I have a hint of what is happening. You're logging the best candidate per generation but you're still applying a mutate. This mutate is what is messing with your expectation. Here's the same charts when I increase/decrease the noise added.
Same Run with sigma=10
Same Run with sigma=0.01
You might want to adapt the mutate function such that it doesn't change if the parent is the best candidate.
I know but the idea is behind elistism is that we save the best chromosome from the population before selection and mutation and then we add it to the population after mutation.
The behaviour I want is to be able to make some chromosome jump the breed and mutate steps even if they occur 100% of the time. This is to ensure that at the end of the run, the best chromosome is the historical best.
And this should happen independently of how the breed and mutation was configured.
Here is an illustration of what I am looking for:
Mhmm ... now I understand.
I'll need to ponder this one but I think you're right that this isn't easily implemented with the current API. Maybe a "concat" verb makes sense but I'll need to give it a think.
It should also be said; I no longer work for GoDataDriven and I haven't touched this library in ... years? Just to check @rogiervandergeer you still watching this repo?
Would it be sensible to change the mutate
function to not change the chromosomes of the best performing candidates.
Modifying the breed
and mutate
methods of population
should work for most cases (cases where callbacks modify the population are exceptions).
should also be modified because when luck=True
it is not guaranteed that the best performing candidate will be kept.
After trying several things, I think I found a solution:
I was using
population.individuals[index] = best_chromosome
and I should have used
population.individuals[index] = deepcopy(best_chromosome)
I will do some tests and update the issue tomorrow
It should also be said; I no longer work for GoDataDriven and I haven't touched this library in ... years? Just to check @rogiervandergeer you still watching this repo?
Of course I am! And don't let a mutation in the value for current_employer
stop you from working on Evol!
Modifying the
methods ofpopulation
should work for most cases (cases where callbacks modify the population are exceptions).
should also be modified because whenluck=True
it is not guaranteed that the best performing candidate will be kept.
In #159 I've added a flag to let mutate
behave elitist. For the survive
function, I think setting luck=True
is so contradictory to elitism that I'm happy with the current situation. @ELC would this work for you?
I just pushed version 0.5.2 which should have this elitism feature. @ELC let us know if it works.
Hi guys!
I don't know if this is the right place for my thoughts, but here we go!
I do know that 'evol' has a fancy way of defining an evolutionary algorithm's pipeline, process, whatever... Like the example above, we don't code directly with 'Evolution Step' classes. Instead, 'Evolution Step' objects are appended onto the 'Evolution' chain, and the Population's method 'evolve' applies the 'Evolution Step' objects in the population. On the other hand, it calls some method on the 'Population' class like breed, mutate or do some operation directly in the population methods like filter and map.
And I'm aware of the great flexibility and simplicity of implementing our custom mate function, chromosome evaluation function, picker and combiner function, etc., and passes it to the evolutionary pipeline.
However, I notice that those methods in the 'Population' class are getting more and more complicated. We might be adding some behaviors in these methods, but they are not necessary all the time. Additionally, we add some 'if ... else' clauses to achieve these different behaviors. One side effect is that parameters may be necessary in some cases, but they may not be in others. When do we need to set them? It is not clear.
So I wondered -- and this would be a significant change in the framework's architecture -- if the 'Evolution Step' classes implemented these different kinds of strategies. For instance, we're going to have different mutation strategies: simple mutation, elitism mutation, and so on. We can compose these different strategies in uncountable ways.
In this circumstance, this new object would implement the evolution step and not merely call a method from a class like 'Population.'
Again, this is just a thought.
Hi @GiliardGodoi,
Thank you for your thoughts!
When first setting up Evol we spent a lot of time overthinking the API we wanted to expose. Our most important goal was to have a rather simple API that is intuitive to use and still makes it easy to do (somewhat) complicated things. Hence we came up with the "verbs" of survive, mutate, combine etc. The nice thing about having these is that you can play around by manually calling these methods on any population, as well as have Evol do all the magic for you in an Evolution object.
One downside of this approach is indeed that those methods of the Population object get quite complicated. The issue with which arguments are needed in which cases could be solved by better documentation (I guess we could spend some more time there), but at some point it will just be impossible to incorporate more logic.
You propose to create alternative EvolutionStep object that implement a different versions of our verbs. I don't like that idea so much because that would mean we can no longer play around and call the methods on the Population itself (and I find that is by far the best way to debug).
As an alternative we could offer multiple different Population-type objects. We already have two kinds -- why not more? We could have an ElitistPopulation, for example. If you want to mix-and-match different versions of the "verbs", we could do something with mixin classes, where you can define your own Population class by choosing your favourite way of surviving, mutating and combining -- although I guess that gets very complicated rather quickly. The upside of this solution is that the simple and intuitive way of using Evol is maintained: you only need to bother about alternative Population types when you want to do complicated things.
Would you think that is a good solution?