colly icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
colly copied to clipboard

HTML encoding is not autodetected properly

Open Dinver opened this issue 1 year ago • 6 comments

Hi! When I try to recognize the encoding on sites with windows-1251, I get: 2023/08/23 21:45:10 ÑÄÎ «Ïðîìåòåé» | ÎÎÎ «Âèðòóàëüíûå òåõíîëîãèè â îáðàçîâàíèè» 2023/08/23 21:45:10 Ýëåêòðîííûå êóðñû 2023/08/23 21:45:10 Ïðîäóêòû


package main

import (


func main() {
	c := colly.NewCollector(
	c.OnHTML("title", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
		title := e.Text
	c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
		title := e.Text

	c.OnHTML("img", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
		title := e.Attr("alt")


colly.DetectCharset() / c.DetectCharset = true - does not working.

Dinver avatar Aug 23 '23 19:08 Dinver

Pretty sure this is not a problem with Colly but with the terminal. Most terminals do not support cyrillic output. If you put everything in a database everything should look fine (I've crawled cyrillic pages before and I know that it works). But in case you really need to have the output displayed in the terminal try using something like Windows PowerShell ISE - it has a fairly good support for displaying Unicode.

blagoySimandov avatar Aug 28 '23 13:08 blagoySimandov

Pretty sure this is not a problem with Colly but with the terminal. Most terminals do not support cyrillic output. If you put everything in a database everything should look fine (I've crawled cyrillic pages before and I know that it works). But in case you really need to have the output displayed in the terminal try using something like Windows PowerShell ISE - it has a fairly good support for displaying Unicode.

It's not about the terminal, this example is just to reproduce the error. The on API data is also sent incorrectly.

Dinver avatar Aug 28 '23 13:08 Dinver

Yeah, I can reproduce it with colly/v2, too

WGH- avatar Aug 28 '23 21:08 WGH-

Solved the problem, by adding a check meta[http-equiv='Content-Type'] in body, in the absence of a "charset" but with "text/html" in the header. I don't know if this is the correct approach, but it solves the problem.


package colly

import (


// Response is the representation of a HTTP response made by a Collector
type Response struct {
	// StatusCode is the status code of the Response
	StatusCode int
	// Body is the content of the Response
	Body []byte
	// Ctx is a context between a Request and a Response
	Ctx *Context
	// Request is the Request object of the response
	Request *Request
	// Headers contains the Response's HTTP headers
	Headers *http.Header
	// Trace contains the HTTPTrace for the request. Will only be set by the
	// collector if Collector.TraceHTTP is set to true.
	Trace *HTTPTrace

// Save writes response body to disk
func (r *Response) Save(fileName string) error {
	return ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, r.Body, 0644)

// FileName returns the sanitized file name parsed from "Content-Disposition"
// header or from URL
func (r *Response) FileName() string {
	_, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(r.Headers.Get("Content-Disposition"))
	if fName, ok := params["filename"]; ok && err == nil {
		return SanitizeFileName(fName)
	if r.Request.URL.RawQuery != "" {
		return SanitizeFileName(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", r.Request.URL.Path, r.Request.URL.RawQuery))
	return SanitizeFileName(strings.TrimPrefix(r.Request.URL.Path, "/"))

func (r *Response) fixCharset(detectCharset bool, defaultEncoding string) error {
	if len(r.Body) == 0 {
		return nil
	if defaultEncoding != "" {
		tmpBody, err := encodeBytes(r.Body, "text/plain; charset="+defaultEncoding)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		r.Body = tmpBody
		return nil
	contentType := strings.ToLower(r.Headers.Get("Content-Type"))

	if strings.Contains(contentType, "image/") ||
		strings.Contains(contentType, "video/") ||
		strings.Contains(contentType, "audio/") ||
		strings.Contains(contentType, "font/") {
		// These MIME types should not have textual data.

		return nil

	if !strings.Contains(contentType, "charset") && strings.Contains(contentType, "text/html") {
		if !detectCharset {
			return nil
		contentTypeBody := checkContentTypeInBody(string(r.Body))
		if contentTypeBody != "" {
			contentType = contentTypeBody

	if !strings.Contains(contentType, "charset") {
		if !detectCharset {
			return nil
		d := chardet.NewTextDetector()
		r, err := d.DetectBest(r.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		contentType = "text/plain; charset=" + r.Charset
	if strings.Contains(contentType, "utf-8") || strings.Contains(contentType, "utf8") {
		return nil
	tmpBody, err := encodeBytes(r.Body, contentType)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	r.Body = tmpBody
	return nil

func encodeBytes(b []byte, contentType string) ([]byte, error) {
	r, err := charset.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), contentType)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return ioutil.ReadAll(r)

func checkContentTypeInBody(b string) string {
	reader := strings.NewReader(b)
	doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(reader)
	if err != nil {
	metaContent, exists := doc.Find("meta[http-equiv='Content-Type']").Attr("content")
	if exists {
		return metaContent
	} else {
		return ""

Dinver avatar Sep 01 '23 10:09 Dinver

There's a specific algorithm for detecting the encoding of an HTML document defined here: It also handles the <meta tags.

It's implemented in Go here:

There's even a recipe how to integrate it into goquery:

We really should incorporate it into Colly.

WGH- avatar Sep 03 '23 14:09 WGH-

Just did some testing. Apparently the default colly charset detection thinks the encoding is actually ISO-8859-1. I checked that by just having the "fixCharset" function, in the response file, print out the encoding. Maybe we can try to implement a new type of encoding detection or try to fix any bugs in the current ?

blagoySimandov avatar Oct 03 '23 21:10 blagoySimandov