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Help with graph layout
I have a graph, and I want to set some nodes to be on the far left, some to be on the far right, and the rest can be anywhere in the middle. I have found some code that does what I want in the dot format directly, but I am not sure how to implement this using this package:
digraph G {
rankdir = LR;
A -> B;
A -> C -> D;
X -> Y;
{ rank=min; A; X; } // These two lines do what I want
{ rank=max; B; D; Y; }
I have already got all of the code to create and connect the nodes and render them, but I just need what will probably be the two lines of code to do the laying out.
I have a graph, and I want to set some nodes to be on the far left, some to be on the far right, and the rest can be anywhere in the middle. I have found some code that does what I want in the dot format directly, but I am not sure how to implement this using this package:
digraph G { rankdir = LR; A -> B; A -> C -> D; X -> Y; { rank=min; A; X; } // These two lines do what I want { rank=max; B; D; Y; } }
I have already got all of the code to create and connect the nodes and render them, but I just need what will probably be the two lines of code to do the laying out.
Hi, try this~
func CreateGraph() (string, error) {
g := graphviz.New()
graph, err := g.Graph()
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer func() {
_ = graph.Close()
_ = g.Close()
s1:=graph.SubGraph("rax", 1)
s1.SafeSet(string(gographviz.Rank), "same", "")
a, _ := graph.CreateNode("A")
b, _:= graph.CreateNode("B")
c, _:= s1.CreateNode("C")
d, _:= graph.CreateNode("D")
x, _:= s1.CreateNode("X")
y, _:= graph.CreateNode("Y")
_, _ = graph.CreateEdge("ab", a, b)
_, _ = graph.CreateEdge("ac", a, c)
_, _ = graph.CreateEdge("cd", c, d)
_, _ = graph.CreateEdge("xy", x, y)
err = g.RenderFilename(graph, graphviz.XDOT, "test.dot")
data, _ := os.ReadFile("test.dot")
return "", err