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Grammar question

Open sjhitchner opened this issue 8 years ago • 12 comments

Been playing around with gocc and it's a great tool.

I have a few questions regarding how to set up the different lexical elements

I want to be able to parse out these items:

  • double quoted strings as string literals eg "hello world"
  • single quoted strings as string literals eg 'hello world'
  • bare strings that contain alphanumeric + '_' + '.' character as variables eg device.platform_type

I have the following lexical elements defined

_digit : '0'-'9' ;
_letter : 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' ;
_alphanumeric : _letter | _digit ;
variable : _letter { _alphanumeric | '.' | '_' } ;
int_lit : _digit {_digit} ;
float_lit : _digit { '.' | _digit } ;
string_lit : '"' {.} '"' | '\'' {.} '\'';

This correctly parses double quoted strings but does not work for single quoted strings or bare strings.

What am I doing wrong?

Full grammar file for context

/* Lexical elements */
_digit : '0'-'9' ;
_letter : 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' ;
_alphanumeric : _letter | _digit ;
variable : _letter { _alphanumeric | '.' | '_' } ;
int_lit : _digit {_digit} ;
float_lit : _digit { '.' | _digit } ;
string_lit : '"' {.} '"' | '\'' {.} '\'';
!whitespace : ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' ;

Expression : Expression "and" Expression      << ast.NewLogicalAnd($0, $2) >>
     | Expression "or" Expression             << ast.NewLogicalOr($0, $2) >>
     | "not" Expression                       << ast.NewNegation($1) >>
     | Term

Term : Factor ">" Factor                      << ast.NewComparisonGreaterThan($0, $2) >>
       | Factor ">=" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonGreaterThanEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "<" Factor                    << ast.NewComparisonLessThan($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "<=" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonLessThanEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "=" Factor                    << ast.NewComparisonEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "==" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "!=" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonNotEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "is not" Factor               << ast.NewComparisonIsNot($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "is" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonIs($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "contains" Factor             << ast.NewComparisonContains($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "matches" Factor              << ast.NewMatches($0, $2) >>
       | Factor

Factor : int_lit                              << ast.NewLiteralInt($0) >>
       | float_lit                            << ast.NewLiteralFloat($0) >>
       | variable                             << ast.NewResolver($0) >>
       | string_lit                           << ast.NewLiteralString($0) >>  
       | "true"                               << ast.NewLiteralBool(true) >>
       | "false"                              << ast.NewLiteralBool(false) >>
       | "undefined"                          << nil, nil >>
       | "null"                               << nil, nil >>
       | "empty"                              << nil, nil >>
       | "(" Expression ")"                   << ast.NewClause($1) >>

(edited by @mewmew as the BNF grammar was otherwise distorted by Markdown formatting, resulting in panic: Error decoding rune. Lit: '', rune: 39, size1 from Gocc as '_' was replaced with '' using Markdown formatting)

sjhitchner avatar Aug 20 '16 01:08 sjhitchner

There doesn't look to be anything wrong with the lexical part of your grammar.

The following simplified grammar is capable of lexing double quoted string literals, single quoted string literals, and identifiers.

/* Lexical elements */
_digit : '0'-'9' ;
_letter : 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' ;
_alphanumeric : _letter | _digit ;
variable : _letter { _alphanumeric | '.' | '_' } ;
int_lit : _digit {_digit} ;
float_lit : _digit { '.' | _digit } ;
string_lit : '"' {.} '"' | '\'' {.} '\'';
!whitespace : ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' ;

    : variable
    | string_lit

The following Go program (available at play.golang.org) was used to test the lexer and parser.

package main

import (

func main() {
    inputs := []string{
        `"hello world"`,
        `'hello world'`,
    for _, input := range inputs {
        if err := parse(input); err != nil {


func parse(input string) error {
    l := lexer.NewLexer([]byte(input))
    p := parser.NewParser()
    result, err := p.Parse(l)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", result)
    return nil

The above program gives the following output for the simplifed BNF grammar.

&token.Token{Type:3, Lit:[]uint8{0x22, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x22}, Pos:token.Pos{Offset:0, Line:1, Column:15}}
&token.Token{Type:3, Lit:[]uint8{0x27, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x27}, Pos:token.Pos{Offset:0, Line:1, Column:15}}
&token.Token{Type:2, Lit:[]uint8{0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x5f, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64}, Pos:token.Pos{Offset:0, Line:1, Column:13}}

Three tokens from two distinct token types (string_lit and variable) have been lexed successfully. Which version of Gocc are you running?

mewmew avatar Aug 20 '16 02:08 mewmew

Finally got some time to look at this again.

I found out what was confusing me. The string_lit is parsed out correctly but the surrounding quotes are included in the string. All my tests were assuming the quote would be stripped.

Curious, is there a way to structure the grammar so the surrounding quotes are removed?

Thanks for your reply this is a fantastic library! 💃

sjhitchner avatar Aug 31 '16 03:08 sjhitchner

Curious, is there a way to structure the grammar so the surrounding quotes are removed?

Take a look at the astx example.

From astx/ast.bnf:

Stmt : 
      id               << ast.NewStmt($0) >>

From astx/ast/ast.go:

func NewStmt(stmtList interface{}) (Stmt, error) {
    return Stmt(stmtList.(*token.Token).Lit), nil

You may easily adapt the code within the semantic action expressions (i.e. within << and >>) to unquote the string literals.

Something along the lines of:

    string_lit               << ast.NewStringLit($0) >>
func NewStringLit(lit interface{}) (string, error) {
    return strconv.Unquote(string(lit.(*token.Token).Lit)), nil

mewmew avatar Aug 31 '16 08:08 mewmew

More questions:

Does the string "empty" have significant meaning in gocc? When I try parsing the string empty I get the following error.

Unable to build AST: Error in S0: empty(15,empty), Pos(offset=0, line=1, column=7), expected one of: $ and or not > >= < <= = == != is contains matches variable string_lit int_lit float_lit null true false undefined ( 

If I change the parser to use the string "dempty" instead my unit tests pass.

Based on the error message above, it appears "empty" is being removed from the symbol list.

    : variable                             << ast.NewResolver($0) >>
    | string_lit                           << ast.NewLiteralString($0) >>
    | int_lit                              << ast.NewLiteralInt($0) >>
    | float_lit                            << ast.NewLiteralFloat($0) >>
    | "empty"                              << ast.NewNull() >>
    | "null"                               << ast.NewNull() >>
    | "true"                               << ast.NewLiteralBool(true) >>
    | "false"                              << ast.NewLiteralBool(false) >>
    | "undefined"                          << ast.NewNull() >>
    | "(" Expression ")"                   << ast.NewClause($1) >>

sjhitchner avatar Sep 09 '16 23:09 sjhitchner

empty is a reserved keyword for the empty string.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empty_string:

In formal language theory, the empty string is the unique string of length zero.

And from the Gocc User Guide:

A syntax body may also be empty, indicated by the reserved word, empty. This allows you to write productions with optional elements, such as:

A : B "c";
B : "b" | empty;

I'd recommend reading the Gocc User Guide going forwards, it is a treasure trove of wonderful information about formal language theory and grammars.

mewmew avatar Sep 10 '16 07:09 mewmew

Note, the reserved keyword empty should be used in production rules without any surrounding quotes. That is:

// valid
A : empty ;

// invalid
B : "empty" ;

mewmew avatar Sep 10 '16 07:09 mewmew

Thanks for your response, I have reviewed the PDF but I was confused about the meaning. I understood that the bare string empty was a reserved word but I thought "empty" would be treated differently. I.e. "empty" and empty would have different meanings.

I am trying to build a Go implementation of a python library that has already defined a grammar that has attached meaning to the string "empty". It appears Gocc might not be able to support this.

Also today I was trying to add support for "is" and a "is not" terms. The parser appears to be confusing the "is not" term with "not" Expression.

Expression : Expression "and" Expression      << ast.NewLogicalAnd($0, $2) >>
     | Expression "or" Expression             << ast.NewLogicalOr($0, $2) >>
     | "not" Expression                       << ast.NewNegation($1) >>
     | Term

Term : Factor ">" Factor                      << ast.NewComparisonGreaterThan($0, $2) >>
       | Factor ">=" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonGreaterThanEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "<" Factor                    << ast.NewComparisonLessThan($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "<=" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonLessThanEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "=" Factor                    << ast.NewComparisonEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "==" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "!=" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonNotEquals($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "is" Factor                   << ast.NewComparisonIs($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "is not" Factor               << ast.NewComparisonIsNot($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "contains" Factor             << ast.NewComparisonContains($0, $2) >>
       | Factor "matches" Factor              << ast.NewMatches($0, $2) >>
       | Factor

    : variable                             << ast.NewResolver($0) >>
    | string_lit                           << ast.NewLiteralString($0) >>
    | int_lit                              << ast.NewLiteralInt($0) >>
    | float_lit                            << ast.NewLiteralFloat($0) >>
    | "empty"                              << ast.NewNull() >>
    | "null"                               << ast.NewNull() >>
    | "true"                               << ast.NewLiteralBool(true) >>
    | "false"                              << ast.NewLiteralBool(false) >>
    | "undefined"                          << ast.NewNull() >>
    | "(" Expression ")"                   << ast.NewClause($1) >>

sjhitchner avatar Sep 13 '16 01:09 sjhitchner

Why not have

 Factor "is" "not" Factor               << ast.NewComparisonIsNot($0, $2) >>

awalterschulze avatar Sep 13 '16 05:09 awalterschulze

I am still thinking about empty

awalterschulze avatar Sep 13 '16 05:09 awalterschulze

Have you tried putting empty in the lexer as

emptyword : 'e' 'm' 'p' 't' 'y' ;

And then use that in the grammar

  | emptyword                              << ast.NewNull() >>

I would like to know whether that also breaks?

awalterschulze avatar Sep 13 '16 05:09 awalterschulze

Why not have

Factor "is" "not" Factor               << ast.NewComparisonIsNot($0, $2) >>

Another option would be to use

Factor "is" Expression                    << ast.NewComparison($0, $2) >>

Since Expression already includes "not" Expression among others.

mewmew avatar Sep 13 '16 07:09 mewmew

@mewmew Wouldn't that give possibility to have a parse conflict with the AST:

      Factor "is" Expression
      /        |             \
 Term1       "is"  Expression "and" Expression
                       /        |       \
                    Term2     "and"     Term3


               Expression "and" Expression
              /             |       \
  Factor "is" Expression  "and"     Term3
   /       |      \
Term1    "is"     Term2 

? The not in "is not" is not the same as the not in "not" Expression.

sangisos avatar Sep 23 '16 11:09 sangisos