Carlos Gomes Martinho
Carlos Gomes Martinho
upstream bacnet stack is now on github;
> @NJ261 is there a way to build it without conan? sure, the cmake build system here is not depending on conan. you can use conan, debian packages, vcpkg, or...
is this not working for you?
Try the following in the powershell: ```ps cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/path/lo/lib/openssl/ -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY=/path/to/lib/lib/ /path/to/project/dir ```
Do did compile openssl right? You can also try conan which has the openssl already compiled for you:
This will not work, the files you downloaded are not for development, there are no headers in the zip file...
You need to download the source code of openssl and compile it by yourself like in the 90s or use a modern package manager ala vcpkg, choco or conan (my...
See the link above and add `cpp-jwt@[>=1.2]` to your conanfile or require it directly in the cmake file as per above example behind the link
First `pip install conan —upgrade` Then massage your cmake: ```cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) project(myproject CXX) # Download automatically, you can also just copy the conan.cmake file if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conan.cmake") message(STATUS "Downloading...
are you developing the `cpp-jwt` or just using the `cpp-jwt` in your project?