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Golang based blockchain explorer for the coda protocol

Blockchain Explorer for the Coda Protocol

The explorer provides a comprehensive and easy to use interface for the upcoming coda blockchain. It makes it easy to view blocks, follow transactions and monitor your snarking activity.

Badge Go Report Card


The explorer is built using golang and utilizes a PostgreSQL database for storing and indexing data. We operate an instance of the explorer at The explorer is licensed under the Apache 2 license.



  • Retrieves latest block data, normalize it and save it to a postgresql db
  • Normalizes and saves each transaction included in a block
  • Normalizes and saves each snark job included in a block
  • Properly handles chain forks & reorganizations
  • For each account mutated by a block its latest information (balance, deleagtions) are retreived and saved to the database


  1. Summary of most recent blockchain information
    • Latest block number, slot number epoch number
    • Latest canonical snark proof
    • Number of peers, accounts & transactions during the last 24h
    • Number of active validators, total staked currency
    • Number of active snark workers, coda spent on snark work during the last 24h
    • Current inflation, total supply & block reward
  2. Historical information & charts
    • Charts on number of blocks produced, peers connected to by node, number of transactions
    • Charts on number of coda staked, number of validators, number of Snark workers, fee breakdown of coda spent on Snark work
    • Number of accounts in the ledger
  3. Block viewer
    • Successful blocks
    • Transactions inside each block, type of transactions, coinbase transaction
    • Slot number & epoch number
    • Address of block producer
    • Staged ledger hash
    • Snarked ledger hash
    • Snark jobs and fees included in the block
    • Timestamp
  4. Transaction viewer
    • Sender & receiver information
    • Tx hash
    • Fee and amount
    • Nonce & memo
    • Timestamp
  5. Account viewer
    • Balance and staked coda information (whether delegated or direct)
    • List of transactions sent or received by account
    • List of any other accounts this account's balance is delegate to
    • List of snark jobs executed by the account, including timestamp, block hash and fees associated for each job
    • List of blocks produced by account, including timestamp and block hash

Getting started

We currently do not provide any pre-built binaries of the explorer. Docker images are available at

  • Download the latest version of the coda client and start it with the -archive flag set in addition to the currently recommended set of flags
  • Wait till the client finishes the initial sync
  • Setup a PostgreSQL DB and import the schema.sql file from the root of this repository
  • Install go version 1.13 or higher
  • Clone the repository and run make all to build the indexer and front-end binaries
  • Start the indexer and frontend binaries

For a complete example please have a look at the included docker-compose.yml file

Included binaries

The indexer binary is responsible for continously indexing the coda blockchain. If connects to a backend coda clients via its graphql api endpoint and periodically queries it for new blocks. If a new block or a chain reorganization is detected it will export any changed to the backend postgresql database. It also continously updated the chain statistics for the previous day.

The frontend binary contains the whole web frontend. It is supplemented by the files in the static and template directory.

The statistics binary is a helper utility that is used to re-generate the whole statistics (used on the /charts view)