goat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Tool Interface Overview

Open UJehle opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Goal of this issue

The goal would be to create a brief explanation of how is the user interface structured (Where to find which buttons? Etc. ) --> Have a look how other companies / softwares do this.

We could add it here: grafik Though, I am not sure yet how to call this section. Maybe you have some good ideas?

Probably you could do this together with our new team member Ana. I am sure she can be of great help for explaining the interface structure.


  • [ ] create a draft - English (Dilan & Ana)
  • [ ] feedback (UJ)
  • [ ] final English (Dilan & Ana)
  • [ ] translation into German (Ulrike)
  • [ ] insert German screenshots (Dilan)
  • [ ] release (Ulrike)

Branch to derive

p4b-website > development branch.

UJehle avatar Oct 16 '22 02:10 UJehle

Table of clickable areas: Icon/Button , Label , Usage Spreadsheet: https://plan4better-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ana_sasso_plan4better_de/EXE-5YlanFpIoeC8tMtB8YUBmIgMvMIYyRJeTSHh_Uo6RQ?e=y533Wm

reference: https://docs.qgis.org/3.22/en/docs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.html#zooming-and-panning:~:text=the%20Layers%20panel.-,Icon,-Label

Interface overview: Screenshot of the goat screen state.0 with arrows and labels reference: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E35328_01/E35332/html/vmusg-ui-overview.html

AnaSasso avatar Oct 19 '22 12:10 AnaSasso

Thanks @AnaSasso for starting with this! This already goes in the right direction. Let me know if you need some input from my side.

UJehle avatar Oct 20 '22 04:10 UJehle

Hi guys, so I circle back to this issue, and I know it was my own idea to use an excel spreadsheet, but it turns out it isn't the best choice. So I suggest we use Figma for all of it: https://www.figma.com/file/Sn7RXFg7L2aM71L6qzJO4v/Handoffs?node-id=58%3A198 Here I created a first draft of what would look like a table with tools explanation. image

AnaSasso avatar Nov 14 '22 20:11 AnaSasso

Hi @AnaSasso, I agree. A visual tool such as Figma, Miro or PowerPoint may be better suited. The draft looks cool! For the website, we would need to embed the table but it should still look good.

UJehle avatar Nov 15 '22 12:11 UJehle

Hi @AnaSasso , I also agree that working on Figma seems more functional. Do we also make the table with clickable buttons as well or just a label/usage table?

About the embed the table, @UJehle maybe we can add docs section or tutorials section. Or maybe it can be added somewhere else as a new section under GOAT as Discover Goat > Tutorials,Docs,Videos,User Interface Overview



dilaann avatar Nov 15 '22 16:11 dilaann

Hi @dilaann, I think allocating it as the fist page in the tutorial section may be the best, as it gives a great first overview.

UJehle avatar Nov 17 '22 07:11 UJehle

Yes we should add the overview as an image but the table as a markdown.

EPajares avatar Dec 23 '22 09:12 EPajares

Hi @dilaann & @AnaSasso! Thanks for the nice table! I think it looks pretty good. I only did not find it that easy to understand which of the elements are tabs, and which are menu actions, icons or toolbars. What do you think about the idea to show a screenshot above the table to name the different element groups? interface_overview

Not sure if it makes sense to already create this for the current GOAT version or if we wait until the new interface.

UJehle avatar Jan 23 '23 17:01 UJehle

@dilaann I created the German page. I still need to translate the table, but you can already insert the images.

UJehle avatar Jan 23 '23 17:01 UJehle

This issue is done! I will publish it with the next release. Thanks for the good teamwork <3

UJehle avatar Feb 17 '23 18:02 UJehle

This task/issue closed on Fri Feb 17 2023 ✅

p4b-bro[bot] avatar Feb 17 '23 18:02 p4b-bro[bot]

This task/issue closed on Tue Jun 06 2023 ✅

p4b-bro[bot] avatar Jun 06 '23 08:06 p4b-bro[bot]