Andreas Mautsch
Andreas Mautsch
@dmikusa sorry to contact you via this issue .. but i don't know another way without raising a new issue can you tell me what happened to the issue concerning...
@dmikusa thank u very much again
@mhalbritter trying to get jaeger working, like it worked in 2.x with sleuth i stumbled upon this issue the state of documentation for 3.x is currently confusing what this issue...
@marcingrzejszczak basically just connecting to a local jaeger instance .. as it worked before with spring-sleuth doing an http request -> jaeger recognizes it doing an http resttemplate call ->...
@marcingrzejszczak ok thank you very much, at least the bean was missing
@sdeleuze @snicoll Flyway is now working perfectly fine with Spring Boot 3.0 RC1 So I will close this issue. Thank u and the team for the great efforts in 3.0...
I can also confirm that this works perfectly fine with Spring Boot 3.0, via the "cbFactory" However @Circuitbreaker does not work. Would be great if this will supported also .....
@mhalbritter ok will do .. created on new issue inside spring cloud .. so i will close this one
With Spring Boot 3.0 M5 it works nearly out of the Box. Just a hint for RabbitHealthIndicator is missing `static class ApplicationRuntimeHints implements RuntimeHintsRegistrar { @Override public void registerHints(RuntimeHints hints,...
@wilkinsona cool thank you