RETRO Innovations
RETRO Innovations
Can you provide more clarity? tcpser can be started from VICE today, and the command line args can be specified on the arg line.
On 4/24/2023 3:52 PM, Bob Andrews wrote: > > Hu? How would you "start it from VICE"? I don't see how that can be done. > VICE can start tcpser...
On 4/24/2023 4:38 PM, Bob Andrews wrote: > > We already do this for printer output, so most of the functionality is > already there. It would also be consistent...
I just committed a revision that will accept - for -v port number. It *looks* like it maps data to STDIN/STDOUT, but I don't have a nice test program to...
I updated in 1.1.6_beta. Please test.
Can you turn on logging? -l7 THat might help.
There must be a place where I am not catching a condition. I'll see if I can find what si supposed to be the next piece of text after the...
My apologies. I had hoped to test out my Hayes SmartModem to verify, but have not had a chance. But, I will say that the at strings are handled very...
> A real modem won't produce an error with a space between the parameters. "&" is NOT a concatenation operator, it's a character used to specify extended commands - for...
1.1.4 is the latest release. The current master branch includes 2 Linux fixes, but nothing for Windows. 1.1.rc2 is older than 1.1.4, and I don't see 1.1.5 in the git...