RETRO Innovations
RETRO Innovations
I verified #1 is a cut I made while desoldering the PCB #2 is an omission, but did not show as unrouted, because the bottom side is also connected to...
I added the 600 DPI artwork into the Paint.NET file and placed copies in the ref directory. I'll make the changes you note, as I was turning on/off the layer...
Can you share the output of "-l 7 -tiIsS" added to your command line?
Also, can you check running tcpser with the user port rs232 in VICE? I know the VICE folks worked on the user port rs232 code, but not sure if they...
This replication still uses the Swiftlink BBS "driver" and the virtual Swiftlink in VICE. Your test just changed the bps rate of the virtual swiftlink, but I would expect to...
It is weird, as VICE appears to pushing DTR up and down continuously. I also think it is odd that VICE sends 3 0x01 bytes after the ATZ and before...
The Color RAM idea sounds cool, I'll consider it. On the knock, concerning Color RAM, if I work the functionality into the 2114 SRAM replacement, I doubt I'd need the...
I am indeed interested. What speed uC/host computer were you considering? I know there's a RPi cart that interfaces that to the bus. Jim
To save time, I was looking for a prebuilt module for the FPGA. THis one is so close, but only has 38 IO:
Dunno, that part is both overkill and also not enough for hobbyist use. It requires a JTAG programmer, where the MAX10 board I linked has a built in programmer, so...