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Router/Req autoreconnect not taking effect?
I'm building a pub/sub server (many-to-one), in which pub clients use REQ sockets and the sub server uses a ROUTER socket, similar to what's happening in this pic:
The thing is, sometimes the sub server loses connection in the network and all the pub clients log this error:
zmq4: no connections available)
To make my system fault resilient, I'm looking into including an auto-reconnect feat to pub clients. I notice the library also includes that option, but even after enabling it, pub clients still log the same message. Is it expected? Does auto-reconnect only work in certain architectures like REQ/REP?
Some of my source-code:
// Wraps [zmq4.Socket] so context can be accessed for extracting dependencies.
type Socket struct {
ctx context.Context
// Creates a new sub [zmq4-Socket] wrapper with a custom context.
// The context must contain all the dependencies required by the socket.
func NewSubSocket(ctx context.Context) Socket {
return Socket{
Socket: zmq4.NewRouter(ctx),
ctx: ctx,
// Creates a new sub [zmq4-Socket] wrapper with a custom context.
// The context must contain all the dependencies required by the socket.
func NewPubSocket(ctx context.Context) Socket {
return Socket{
Socket: zmq4.NewReq(ctx, zmq4.WithAutomaticReconnect(true)),
ctx: ctx,
func (s Socket) PublishAndForget(m msg) {
logging.LogInfo("publishing msg with topic: %d", m.Topic)
b, err := encode(m)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to encode message, %v\n", err)
err = s.Send(zmq4.NewMsg(b))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to publish message, %v\n", err)