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Provide method to teardown fixture data
I've run into a situation where my build fails depending on the order of the tests and the nature of their foreign key relationships. I am using the UseAlterConstraint method with Postgres, and not running tests in parallel.
For example:
Test 1 creates fixtures for Table A & Table B. Table A has a record which references some record in Table B. Test 2 only creates fixtures in Table B. Because there is leftover data in table A from test 1, now test 2 fails when testfixtures tries to clear Table B.
What I had to do to solve this is to copy the logic to make the constraints deferrable (I am using Postgres). Then I can do a teardown at the end of each test where I delete all the fixture data.
So what I am looking for is a method something like:
This would remove everything created by fixtures.Load(), to avoid potential conflicts with subsequent tests.
I've also run into something similar and would benefit from something like this.
EDIT: I was under the impression this was already happening from:
Before the execution of every test, the test database is cleaned and the fixture data is loaded into the database
so maybe I'm doing something wrong?
I'm doing:
func TestX(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testType{ ... }
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
Hi @sproutworks,
I have the impression that the problem you're having is a consequence of how you're using testfixtures. Ideally, you should load all tables before every test.
If you're loading only some tables than surely you can have integrity problems, but I think it's not the library's responsibility to prevent that.
Hi @sproutworks,
I have the impression that the problem you're having is a consequence of how you're using testfixtures. Ideally, you should load all tables before every test.
If you're loading only some tables than surely you can have integrity problems, but I think it's not the library's responsibility to prevent that.
Hi, @andreynering! We are facing the same issue and would be so glad if there is a possibility to wipe test data after running a test. I hope this PR - https://github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/pull/110 could give us such opportunity. In this case library's user would have a possibility to choose if he needs or not to clear the test data.
@andreynering +1 to this. I think it´s a common use case to have a different set of data for different test scenarios.
Ideally, fixtures should be able to clean themselves after each test.
Is there any chance of #110 to be reviewed and merged?